Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hello My Dear Friends. I know today you thought you would be visited by extra terrestrial ships as promised, but the day is almost done in many parts of the world and nothing has happened. This was to be expected as we have not felt any change in the flow. It is hard to get promised something and to put so much energy and then it to receive nothing back. I do not know what these people are in contact with but I do know it is not extra terrestrial. Maybe they are trickster spirits as they have been doing this kind of thing for ages. These are human souls that are on a journey but they try to mislead us and play jokes on us. They feed of the energy we direct towards them and like drugs they make you feel good but they are leeching away vital things. I know that they will come back with a message saying how you have done some great good and they did not mean to disappoint as they want you to keep expending your energies to them. Do not go back to them. If you spend even half of the energy you have on their lie on the true path then you have done more than they can ever promise. Use this day my dear friends to see their misleading you for what it is and to stop giving them energy. Much love and respect to you all.

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You accuse people of saying what they believe with such conviction, yet are you not doing the same???

LilBunnyFufu said:
Hello. You will notice I am no longer calling you dear friend because of your rude treatment of me. You say your statements with such conviction as if they are true yet you cannot show any proof and say we must wait. Just like we must wait for extra terrestrials to come down and say that you are right. I ask you to follow the path of the universe. It is this flow that has existed before us and will exist after us.

Niceworld said:
Yo should also know more on the Great Plan. Every soul plans his life before incarnating here. You lose your memory of past lives and the spiritual world. I you remembered everything you wouldn't have free will. It wouldn't be a life at all. Those who die for something brings about alliance in other people, many died but the whole earth made laws and defeated those who made these massacre. Now it is impossible to happen because people on Earth learned how awful to war with each other. This event birthed that we don't have any large scale wars. Remember how much wars were before the two world wars. Kings queens, monarchies, empires were warring almost every year, but every century it is a fact. Even world war made such a peace on Earth that we live without gun and going to the frontline. What our great grand fathers fought is the fruit for ous to live in peace forever. And to turn rather into creation instead of destruction. We plan everything between going into the physical body. Search for the truth on the net and you will be surprised that it is the truth. Just listen to channelings, this SOE is full of chanelling, why don't you watch them? As Earth ascends into a greater light though it will be apparent for everyone, then you will not beleive to their eyes and ears.

LilBunnyFufu said:
Hello Dear Friend. While my people do not believe in soul rebirth or reincarnation I would say that it would be better for a person of Jewish belief to say if they decided to die or were reborn into other souls. At least give those people their own respect. Much love to you.
Hello Dear Friend. Please allow me to answer this question for my brother as I am a watcher as well. We watch the people of our assigned area for changes in the flow and evolution towards higher consciousness. I was 11 years old when I was told my role. The council man and watcher of my area came to meet my parents and gave me tests to do to make sure I was right. I have been working towards my goals since then. We have many members from around the world each doing their own part. Some are watchers like me, some send out beacons and there are many more roles. The council members are chosen from birth and are very easy for watcher like me to detect because there is a major change when they are born. Those chose ones have the abilities to go to the 5th and 7th dimensions and that is where they form the council to help guide us with our roles. Much love to you.

Upsy Daisy said:
To John M

Ok maybe this has already be answered in a previous post..( quite honestly i didn't read 7 pages of posts) but just curious and at the risk of sounding like i know nothing..What are u talking about when you say " watcher"?? There are so many different types of watchers that i can think of ... r u watching the skys or us?

there are a lot more deserving posts out there" Once again you speak down about a post my sister made trying to help others. It is her way of getting people to turn something that may have disappointed them into something positive, Maybe the words don't meet your expectations, but there is no need to speak down to her. I read every single reply from her and she never said anyone is lying. She says aliens do not exist and that is because all our people now and throughout the history have not had contact with aliens. We keep an open mind and she has brought it to the council's attention that there may be aliens. I am not a council member, but a watcher as my sister is. You can continue to make excuses for such behavior but it seems your English is on par with mine. Hers is not, yet she continues to try to help the people here and as I have said before not once has she been seen to talk down to people as some here have to her.
Hello Friend, I will look into this and see if I can get it to work. It would be a nice idea. Much love to you.

Tony said:
Groups can be found under the groups tab;

any member can start a group of focussed discussions, there you will see many topics on many subjects. Groups are also being added as pointers in the new-member section on an ongoing basis. Grouping informtaion in a group makes it easier for new members to locate articles and information regarding specific information as the find option isnt handy when trying to locate something of interest.

Groups basically run themselevs if set up that any member can posts in them, they require no extra work.

It would be a good place to outline what a "wacher" is, what the "counsel" does and to explain what you mean by the universal "path" to members. A central starting point for members who wish to understand what is said on these matters so when they read comments based on that belief they have a reference point to what comments are based on.

LilBunnyFufu said:
I am not sure about what you mean by starting a group. I am a volunteer at a woman's shelter and cannot spend much time everyday to take care of a group. I thought all discussions would be welcome in all places here. Is that not right?

Tony said:
Hello and this is the last time I will respond to you because you continue to be rude to me. If you think you are such a good teacher then instead of saying vague things and making promises that I will see your truth come to pass how about you try to really teach others and post information we can check on. I will read anything you post but until you are much nicer and respectful as I try to be then I will not respond to you. If you know the way then it is time to show the way and not be vague about it. I try my best to show the way as I was shown. I hope you can do the same.

Niceworld said:
Yes, all is as it should be. And the majority of this Ning site don't need anyone who shows us the positive way, I refer to Fufu, we already know the way and Fufu if you really want to give us advice then first be familiar with the principle things in the Universe if you don't belive in reincarnation then watch the proof of the aliens and their crafts. They are photos, objects, narrations so there are proof. But here in SOE we deal with things which are not the fundamental views of life, but we try to shape our future by visualizing the First Contact and many others. As we know how to do it, we know the creational power of the mind, together with the visualization we achive larger things. If you try to turns us into a positive way you won't achieve with this more but a smiling in our face, because we have already gone through these steps. Though if you're happy do it, you just train yourself for the better times. And you learn much from the illusion as well, because we, who are more aware of the flow of life, we have gone through it, we were also attached to religions with promises that were said in vain. Learn and expeience the best you can. And may the light follow your acts.
Hello Dear Friend. I did not mean to mislead you. I am not in the council itself, but I have contact with them since I am one of the watchers. The council is responsible for guiding us with our roles and helping humanity continue to evolve towards higher consciousness. They have received gifts from the universe which allow them to examine souls and move between the 5th and 7th dimensions and this planet. They maintain our records both oral and written for all the ages. Who is the council of 9 and 5 extra? Our council is much larger because we have one council person to represent every watcher and watchers are born according to the world population needs. Our job is a hard one because we must examine the flow for all the people in our area so that is why we have so many of us especially in big cities. It is nice to be in the big cities though because then we can meet during the weekends to meditate together and other good things. Do not forget to pass the information for your council. I am sure our council will be most interested in meeting them. Much love to you.

Clinton Doherty said:
The only councils Ive heard of are the spiritual hierochary councils. Like the council of 9 and 5 extra. Well any ways would like to know.
Hello Friend I found the place to make a group but I do not know what to call it. Please let me know what to call it. Much love to you.

Tony said:
Groups can be found under the groups tab;

any member can start a group of focussed discussions, there you will see many topics on many subjects. Groups are also being added as pointers in the new-member section on an ongoing basis. Grouping informtaion in a group makes it easier for new members to locate articles and information regarding specific information as the find option isnt handy when trying to locate something of interest.

Groups basically run themselevs if set up that any member can posts in them, they require no extra work.

It would be a good place to outline what a "wacher" is, what the "counsel" does and to explain what you mean by the universal "path" to members. A central starting point for members who wish to understand what is said on these matters so when they read comments based on that belief they have a reference point to what comments are based on.

LilBunnyFufu said:
I am not sure about what you mean by starting a group. I am a volunteer at a woman's shelter and cannot spend much time everyday to take care of a group. I thought all discussions would be welcome in all places here. Is that not right?

Tony said:
There are other counsil as well Fufu, if you offer your counsil with a lovely heart then we enjoy your company and respect your values as you should ours. Much love still to you and everyone. You may heard of the Council of Nine:

spiced with some salt:
Hello Dear Friend. Yes I think that is the same ones that Magenta Pixie talks to. They are extra terrestrials she says. I asked her to communicate where our pagoda in the 5th dimension is and to ask them for a marker location or coordinate of some sort if they prefer we meet them at their location. She was not sure of what a marker means but I have not heard back about if she has contacted them again and told them to come to our pagoda. Much love to you.

Niceworld said:
There are other counsil as well Fufu, if you offer your counsil with a lovely heart then we enjoy your company and respect your values as you should ours. Much love still to you and everyone. You may heard of the Council of Nine:

spiced with some salt:
Hello Dear Friend. I will choose Universal Path because it is what we are working towards. I do not need to ask the council about that as I am working on my own on this site trying to help if I can. Much love to you.

Tony said:
What one word or short descritiption would sum up wachers and the council, their role?

Universal path?
Heart Beacons?

Which ever name is most fitting as a description. Memebers will know when you create it. May i suggest otherwise you ask the council? I know too little about yourself and the council to come up with an apt name. But do not ponder for to long if a name eludes you, it can be changed at any time.

LilBunnyFufu said:
Hello Friend I found the place to make a group but I do not know what to call it. Please let me know what to call it. Much love to you.

Tony said:
Groups can be found under the groups tab;

any member can start a group of focussed discussions, there you will see many topics on many subjects. Groups are also being added as pointers in the new-member section on an ongoing basis. Grouping informtaion in a group makes it easier for new members to locate articles and information regarding specific information as the find option isnt handy when trying to locate something of interest.

Groups basically run themselevs if set up that any member can posts in them, they require no extra work.

It would be a good place to outline what a "wacher" is, what the "counsel" does and to explain what you mean by the universal "path" to members. A central starting point for members who wish to understand what is said on these matters so when they read comments based on that belief they have a reference point to what comments are based on.

LilBunnyFufu said:
I am not sure about what you mean by starting a group. I am a volunteer at a woman's shelter and cannot spend much time everyday to take care of a group. I thought all discussions would be welcome in all places here. Is that not right?

Tony said:

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