Question as dictated from Matt for the members of Saviors of Earth...
"If Torz's path of enlgihtenment and ascention is true and reaches it climax on 21.12.2012, will her 3D entity be around to give me a goodmorning kiss upon wakening on Dec 22nd2012???"
Loking forward to with interest to your answers....
Many thanks in Advance
The answer to the question is fairly simple, as it is along the lines of the question H.R Pufnstuf asked a few days ago.
It goes a bit like this: If your love for the 3d entity of Torz is true (as I'm sure it is), then it will not matter what density you or she is in, because you will be right beside her. Love is light, and light conquers all. You will /not/ lose one another.