Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I can put a check mark on every question for myself as far as the criteria on who Indigo's are! As a child I "just knew" certain things, I was experiencing spirits as a child. But with a religious mother that casted out the demons in me, it stopped there, no more experiences because I thought I would be possesed! As a child I just always knew what was wrong & what was right as far as religion, the bible etc... people would tell me its this way & I would always nod & find out for myself! As an adult and after having my child it made me more curious since I needed to have a clear path as far as what beliefs I want to pass on to her. Since I started learning about Indigo's, conciousness etc... Ive been trying to attune my vibrations, Ive stopped eating anything processed & sticking to all natural foods fruits & veggies! My physical body has gone through some changes not much in a apearance but in how I feal. Just Yesterday I woke up in extreme stomach pains that lasted most of the day, the night before I had enjoyed a feast of processed chemical foods, since I rarely eat that stuff now I thought once in a while theres no harm......... atleast till the next day :) I felt much pain & The first time I stood up to go to the next room I experienced an intense surge (well im not sure what it was) but it was strange I almost fainted, I thought to myself though it wasnt the same sensation I believed it to be because Im feeling sick & I got up to fast. So the next time I got up I made sure to take my time & get up really slow as to not feel dizzy I walked a few steps & then the same surge sensation starting in my head then to my whole body. This happend 2 more times each time & tried to pay close attention as to figure out what in the world was going on. Ive been sick like this 3 times every time I have food that I used to be able to eat but since Ive changed my habbits every time I eat bad (processed foods) I get the same intense pain the next day.... but the surge experience only happened one day (yesterday)....... I dont know whether I am Indigo an ET or what have you, How do you know what categorie you are in? Any comments or insights are greatly apreciated!

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its true as part of the process of vibrational evolution that you will find a new fondness in food and in food preparation. I guess when you have stepped over to fruit and veg and no chem food your body got rid of all those toxins, and hates you for putting some back lol. I would continue your new food habits. :)
Personally, im not a cook, but i do eat heather than i used too, but dam, i still like junk from time to time :)
I'm sorry but I have these attributes, can i be an indigo? I'm even very starnge for my friends and my family. Bu I have very strong intuition and much knowledge, just know things from the nowhere. Whether what were my past lives...
i would says thats very possible. I too, and i think alot of people here due share those characteristics. i think indegos, (and other types) are drawn here :)

Niceworld said:
I'm sorry but I have these attributes, can i be an indigo? I'm even very starnge for my friends and my family. Bu I have very strong intuition and much knowledge, just know things from the nowhere. Whether what were my past lives...

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