Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Impending Magnetic Pole Reversal - Christ Michael

By Christ Michael and Candace
March 18, 2009 about 11 am MST

Christ Michael: Dearly beloveds, Candace will do a large quantity of filling you in at the end of this regards the noticeable changes. The planet is going into magnetic pole reversal and we have made the decision to not prevent it, but merely keep it slowed down. Candace informed me of the sun rising 20 minutes LATE today, and that is a large clue beloveds. I do not fully time your sunrise because I am parked out past Saturn’s orbit right now. (Candace: it was probably not that late, the previous measurement was EARLY. 20 minutes change from Monday to Wednesday is huge.)

Now this is a magnetic pole reversal, not a flip or axis change. This means the sun will continue to slow down, maybe be more erratic in this for up to perhaps a day, perhaps sooner, perhaps a bit longer. This means the planet is preparing to slow her rotation. Then it will stop for a period of time, a few hours at most, and then the sun will begin moving backwards to set again in the east, or nor rise at all for some of you. This is the period of 3 days of darkness as the planet gradually stops, reverses and keeps up the reversal until the sun rises in the west.

This is the day of Judgment in your religious books, as many do not survive, and the earth changes greatly pick up, but not to the degree they do from an large axis change. We will keep the change very slow, lasting approximately a couple weeks which will slow the earth changes. We do not wish to have massive lost of life from carbon dioxide in the air.

Now, once this is flagrantly obvious to earth residents, we will start the stasis process, which will take about 4 hours. I desire earth residents that will survive this and awaken out of stasis to see this. This is in part the result of Jupiter, and why we have kept its progress greatly slowed, so we have more control. Those of you who think you are watching Jupiter are watching “Star Ship Jupiter” as Candace likes to call it, and star ship Venus too dear ones, which for the last year at least has been dancing in the sky periodically.

You on earth are not waking up much to this with Venus and other starships dancing at night. But so be it. You will awaken rapidly shortly and many religions know of what pole reversals are. If not by that name, the 3 days of darkness will get attention, when the sun begins to move backwards.

The plans otherwise change not. There will not be a general evacuation, since most people would not board ship anyway, and also because we will go into stasis and proceed as expected. However, we have not said this before, this was going to occur during stasis anyway, and the people would awaken to the western sunrise.

We have suggested there would be significant earth changes during stasis, and this is one method of accomplishing that. We have done all we can do in terms of awakening a sleeping people and it has not been successful. Yes, some, but not enough. So we allow the Mother her freedom at this time. The pollution is huge, the dark have already installed most of the New World Order excepting Russia and China, and there are awful things coming your way. Since enough of earth residents have asked for intervention even if they don’t know what they are asking for, that is why we have gone with this other plan of the last several years of coverage of such.

The length of stasis is not determined, as it is based on observation, time, and fixing of issues, necessary earth changes and the like. Two years is but a simple estimate. We will be putting most of the life on the planet into stasis, until the earth movements are stabilized and the air cleansed enough of carbon dioxide to awaken the animal life. Plants will benefit from the higher levels of carbon dioxide and this is useful and needed in fact. Some life forms will be evacuated during the early parts, and all who are continuing the ascension will be evacuated after stasis is in place to areas of safety IF in harms way. Build-ups of carbon dioxide and other chemicals do not affect bodies in stasis. This is why a more general stasis as been planned but not released for some time now.

Now I do suggest getting some batteries, as electricity may cease or be sporadic. We will make sure all on earth are aware of this before the stasis starts. Some are asleep right now, and may or may not see a rising sun when they awaken, but it won’t be up any to long.

Now the planet might right herself a bit longer, but probably not. Have lighting if you need it, and blankets for cold depending on your climate. A long night will be ahead for some. Please, as soon as you notice the sun stopping, get in touch with all your circles and let them know to not be afraid. We will not have access to TV and many of your dark are attempting to flee now, they know. I will stop here and let Candace post her observations so we can get this up. I will meet many of you during the stasis period and have no fear over these few remaining hours, but do help others through it until stasis begins. Again, wait until the evidence is huge, before contacting them.
Namaste, Christ Michael/Aton

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Esu Comments on Magnetic Pole Reversal
Mar 22, 2009, 14:24

By Christ Michael thru Eve
Mar 23, 2009, 12:54
Ian = Shark said:

I will post updates on the blog so people can discuss it!

thank you
And I'll keep on eye on media sources for any scientific collaboration of these claims.
does any one know when the pole shift is said to happen? i thort it happens after 21122012, but siad to maybe be soon?
Update Regards the Impending Reversal
By Esu and Candace
Apr 10, 2009, 10:00

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