Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I have been observing myself! this is how I know what is happening, I let go of what I THINK I should do and follow what my heart FEELS like doing, and Blossom today's syncronisic happenings are making my heart sing the list is too long to post here (even for me!) but I will say this I have not watched TV for months now but I have just now put on The secret, A dvd I have not seen for years and it is exciting me.And I don't care about the doubts my mind is trying to bring up. As The Feds said
TRUST IN YOURSELVES DEAR FRIENDS. NO ONE ELSE BUT YOURSLEVES. FOR THERE LIES ALL KNOWLEDGE AND TRUTH. WE CAN NOT STRESS HOW IMPORTANT THIS STATEMENT IS. Only by following your heart’s feelings shall you know who we are and why we come. Abide by that, we beseech you.
It is with grace and gratitude that we acept the assistence of The Federation of Light for the betterment of ourselves and the all.
Love to you my friend and so much gratitude for you Blossom

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much syncro, in my day as well kerrie, also manifesting very quickly and maintaining a positive attitude
Oh yeah ! getting excited...
Hello Kerrie and all

Just finished my meditation too and tears cant stop rolling at moment. Very strange feeling i am having right now, new to this so cant really say what it is but is a greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat feeeeling hehe.

Love, Light, Laughter and Golden rays to u all
I have only had a couple of genuine personal psychic 'events' (it's either that or psychotic events) in my life, and just now I had a third, aka Blossom's Visualisation of a Vast Vessel. I'm not going to go into details because there are'nt any really; but I WENT STRAIGHT INSIDE A SHIP. It was flicking in and out, but they, these extremely attentive people were close to me and telling me to relax, everything is ok, hello. I felt too 'scared' to engage more, but there were lots of healing rainbow energies, inhexhaustable energies, bathe in these they advised me. Wow.
I hope other peoples connections were as satisfying as mine. Love and Light to the one.
I was a little ritualistic, candles for atmosphere , incence and your favourite meditation music and relax , watch the breath, the energy is immense at the moment I believe.
Nearly forgot, they use holographic energy/power in incredible ways that i could'nt possibly begin to understand, but thats not important of itself. They gave me personal advice, again sntaches like through a week reciever, and tips on meditation when I asked. I look forward to doing this again after a bit of a break
OMG hahahahaha i cant even explain what it is at least you can hahahaha. Its just amazing and its a great feeling. Thank you Clinton and Kerrie and replying to my messages...

More love, light, laughter and Golden rays to you all and whole universe

Clinton Doherty said:
HAHAHAHA that happened to me about 3 months ago while I was hosting a meditation. I connected in such a way that I was like bombarded with univursal consciousness.... well I felt that I had seen the truth about everything in a split second. I started crying my eyes out hahaha pretty embarressing cause I was guiding the meditation while there where about 10 people online. But maybe it made it all the better. Peace and love always Clinton.
Hello Dear Brad. Where was this? We have no report of anything like this showing. Much love to you.

Brad Johnson said:
Yes, I had an astral experience of a giant light pyramid ship the size of New York City earlier this morning. This experience was similar to the one I had prior to October 14th where I had another light ship experience before the date occured. What I know is accurate is Blossom's dates on ship appearances. Although they don't occur in physicality, they are definitely there in astral/dream state.

It was a wonderful experience seeing this ship pierce through the clouds in astral.

Hello Dear Brad. I did see you said astral, but my people have not seen anything as well. Where did you see this? Can you send me the marker or coordinates? Much love to you.

Brad Johnson said:
That's because it was in astral. Not in physical.

LilBunnyFufu said:
Hello Dear Brad. Where was this? We have no report of anything like this showing. Much love to you.

Brad Johnson said:
Yes, I had an astral experience of a giant light pyramid ship the size of New York City earlier this morning. This experience was similar to the one I had prior to October 14th where I had another light ship experience before the date occured. What I know is accurate is Blossom's dates on ship appearances. Although they don't occur in physicality, they are definitely there in astral/dream state.

It was a wonderful experience seeing this ship pierce through the clouds in astral.


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