Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I felt inspired to send Blossom my love in an email tonight and she replied that she has just printed out this!

Well this is a bit out of the blue. I have just finished tea, and I felt a very strong pulsating in my third eye space and as if I was being called to come and contact you. So here I am. Tuning in just now I feel really aware that you are about and would like to say something.
Indeed dear one you are correct and we thank you for diverting your time in order for us to be with you. Simultaneously we have been calling many.

For the record 7.45pm. I feel pretty sparked out at the minute I have to say.

As are many of you that we are choosing to connect up with. We would desire to take you on a journey with your permission.

Yes, (although I did just check it out with White cloud and he nodded his head and then showed me having a seat belt strapped and locked around me). I for a bumpy ride perhaps … or may be just fast. I can’t work out though if you want me to remain at the computer to log all this down or whether you want me just to close my eyes and ‘go off’.

(I felt the need to lie down which I did … and here I am half an hour later. I have no recollection of anything that may or not have taken place ‘somewhere else’). I suppose you have said everything to me that you want to say , just that I don’t know it. Is that right?

There is more we could care to say in your human awareness, if we are not taking up to much of your earthly time?

Its evening … no disco’s planned tonight!!!!!

Sometimes when we have communicated with you in past days we have honoured the decision to remain in the back ground regarding certain subjects that may not have been correct to discuss at the time. But there is a particular matter that we would now wish to bring to the forefront if that is applicable?

You tell me! Your call obviously.

We have allowed for the fact and resonated with Truths of many on your ground force, that we compliment the desires of which are radiated out into our thought range. Many believe they do not reach us, but this is not so. In fact, where there is a thought that is radiated from/with Love, there is little doubt that we do not receive it /pick up on it. We have been made aware for a long time now ... that there are indeed many of you who feel it would be correct for us to apply the ‘all systems go button’. Is it not so Blossom that many letters to yourself have been indicating this .

Yes, but clearly you know that and much more I would imagine.

We have been deliberating with this in mind and have consequently decided that indeed a Light show is to appear.

My heart is racing now… not because you have said that … but because you have said that … I know what I mean! And that puts me in a great dilemma. And I thought you said you would not put me in that position again? I don’t even want to read this back right now! And I don’t have a big smile on my dial either to be honest. Did I need to know that? Couldn’t you have just left it as it was and done what you had to do on Friday.

Not exactly.

Why not?

Because there are certain matters that pertain to this event that are necessary to be disclosed.

And probably you are about to tell me. Sorry, I feel little ‘angry’ …( probably not the correct word), but I won’t think about that now …

That then would be due to our past discourse and you feeling we have not kept our word with you.

Best if you just carry on , we won’t go into all that right now and I don’t want to divert from the main issue.

Dearest Blossom, there has to come the time when ALL THAT WE ARE is brought to Light would you not agree?

You keep asking me these pretty obvious questions,… Is that me trying to avoid getting to the point? … now I’m asking these pretty obvious questions … could we please just move on …

It is our wish to retrieve for you the Truth of the soul self and we feel that this can be done in a more succinct manner if it was that a visible visit from us was to occur. It would certainly speed up certain frequencies that are needing to be heightened in order to keep up with many that are already in their rightful place.

I have to be honest, I just feel in a really funny space right now, I Truly didn’t see this conversation coming and I would like a very valid reason for you wanting me to put this out there , because believe me , I need one!

Yet, we have not said to you a date or a time that would put you in the firing line as before.

That’s true … Mmm, I’m breathing little easier.Maybe I jumped the gun a little as they say! I am struggling with this I have to say. Sorry if I am not helping matters, I guess you didn’t bank on me reacting a little ‘off’. Hold on, let me just re align my thoughts and get myself in the right place.

We understand your reaction and yet we feel a little misunderstood.

Come and sit in my chair!!

Dearest Lady, we have put so much Trust in you, as you have in us, are allegiance with one another has come a very long way since the early days when we began working on 'The Bridge’. You are immediately recalling the beginning of the journey with us, and the doubts and heart wrenches that occurred, and yet, look what we have been through together. Have we not surpassed many matters that would not have survived friendships on a human level? We have travelled in our hearts. We have learnt from one another. We have come to a point now when we feel we are able to acusstomize ourselves with many more on your earthly vibration, for we have come to accept with much happiness that there are indeed many who are ready to join with us now in this pursuit that your earthly hearts are seeking. We have come to assist, this you know.
We have just shown to you in your minds eye the great pyramids. There was a time when we worked closely in Love and respect for each other. There was a time when those who did not reside on the earth plane were able to connect in such a way with those who were. It was as if there was no ‘barrier’ between us. This time is to come again. This time is drawing so close, for the awareness of your planet has reached the level whereby this merging may be possible once again.

There are so many now that seek the reuniting of souls from other places in this universe. Step by step we are rebuilding TRUST between many. By this we do not mean just you humans of Love on the earth plane, but there is a coming together of many from many other places that can now take hold in the position planned. This is why there is so much importance that all
proceed without hindrance, for as we have said before ... it is not just your planet that is involved in this great scheme.

So, with all respect, basically what you are saying is that at some point in the future the plans that have been made by you are going to come about.

Sooner than you think.

That’s the thing my friends, I don’t think! I no longer have a possible time span for your arrival. I prefer it that way, then there is no disappointment or expectation. If you come, you do. I am unable to look at it any other way, and please know, that may sound very nonchalant and disrespectful … it is not coming from that place. It is just the way myself and many down here have come to look upon it. Of course it would change everything, but until that time takes place, we shall all carry on in the best way we know how, trying to bring about this change in vibration and helping others to understand and wake up to the fact that there is so much more to life than we were brought up to believe.

We say to you dear lady, that as we have pledged, there will be a meeting of our races and yours. When it occurs it shall be of greater joy than one has tried their hardest to envisage. This is our word to you.

I thank you for your integrity … if that’s the right word?! I feel we are at the end of this session. I shall now take a deep breath and read back what we have written … and then, as always be brave and post it on my site. In Love and thanks to you my friends. If I am to believe all this as Truth, which I must, because my heart and my sanity tell me too, then I very much look forward to the pathway ahead ... and just to see something spectacular in the sky would be enough for me ... for now. Whenever suits!

We pride ourselves on our choices for communication.

Thank you. I shall accept your compliment with grace as I am learning to do. I feel this is to be the last communication before the Global Visualisation on Good Friday. Let’s hope it is a GOOD FRIDAY … be even better if it was a GOOD FLYDAY!! In Love and Light my friends . In love and light!

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Hello dear friends. I want to say again that there are no such things as aliens or vessels. In all the recorded history, written and oral, we have not had contact with any others besides ourselves. This is in the 5th and 7th dimension. It is good to have hopes and dreams but do not be mislead. You must focus on evolving and universal consciousness. Much love to you.
I'm looking forward to the lame excuses when nothing happens.....
Hello dear sister Kerrie. Yes, that is why we must let go and move towards the path of universal consciousness. Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do as you truly want to help us flow. Ego in itself is not so much of a bad thing. It is only when we let it get in the way of evolution. For someone to say "not everyone is yet of light,love and laughter" seems very much driven by ego and in a bad way. It hinders us lending a hand to each other. Learn to let go and reach that hand out to everyone no matter who it is. Love and respect my sister.

Kerrie said:

We will never evolve if we come only from the mind (ego) it is only when we listen to the heart which is where the soul speakes to us that we will be able to evolve as the mind cannot comprehend all knowing it is not possilble,Like you I have studied on all this and read up on different view points and I now have NO more desire to do so, as I know my heart just leads me to my truth, the mind is a tool that is all, and we need to know what to feed it and the soul knows, all we have to do is trust in ourselves our feelings will tell us our truth in the now moments,If you could only feel the bliss that comes inside of you when you connect to a surportive universe and not THINK you need to control it . Evolution is not about power it is about conecting to your soul, to the all. Do you think I would be bothered doing all this that I do, if I thought it came from egos desires for attention? I have been doing this full on for over 6mths now with a passion that comes only from my heart, so that I can asist and connect to others, thus assist my own growth.It is not enough for me to have these feelings of welbeing I want everyone to have them, that is how the heart gets, that is how the plan works that is how we evolve. L&L
LilBunnyFufu said:
Hello dear friends. I want to say again that there are no such things as aliens or vessels. In all the recorded history, written and oral, we have not had contact with any others besides ourselves. This is in the 5th and 7th dimension. It is good to have hopes and dreams but do not be mislead. You must focus on evolving and universal consciousness. Much love to you.
Andy (UK) said:
I'm looking forward to the lame excuses when nothing happens.....
Andy I am not trying to be rude, but how will you know? There were no dates given ,and I know it will eventually happen!!
if it is 9pm (Australian EST), April 10th what time will it be in Toronto, Canada?
EST is also in Australia! No wonder my dense brain couldn't figure it out!
That whole daylight saving time on or off was confusing me. Now I've got it, and thanks for reposting the time zone message. Irrelevant of ons and offs:
09:00:00 p.m. Wednesday April 10, 2009 in Australia/Queensland converts to
07:00:00 a.m. Wednesday April 10, 2009 in America/New_York

To the people who are already getting kind of mean about it, you're hurtin' my soul. (Yes, I sound silly, I know, but really when I read that kind of semi-meanness, I do feel an ache at the hurtful intent). I just wish that kind of stuff would stop. I'm not going to argue points, I'm done with that.
Well it will be 23.00 for kick-off here in NZ. I am thrilled to be part of this. The visualization comes immediately to my minds eye and part of me feels like I have waited a long time for this.
I would say to anyone that feels this is all silly and false promises, that this event, and other collective visualizations to come are the essence of conscious evolution in the emerging Age of Aquarius. Truly with our collective hearts and minds we bring in a millenia age that will dispose of duality in human experience. Together let us give thanks for the receding of either/or, us/them, mine/yours. right/wrong, good/evil, plenty/scarcity etc. Imagine peace, harmony, sharing and compassion replacing the dark, this is the feeling to latch onto. It will not be a quick fix, there will be no cavalry coming over the horizon tomorrow or ever, thats not why we do this. And does'nt it feel great?
Thank you Blossom, Kerrie.
Thank you very much Kerry. I will send this information to some of my friends that want to do the meditation.

Love magica.

Kerrie said:
Using this time converter, the times come out as below. The converter compensates for Daylight savings time.

11:00:00 a.m. Friday April 10, 2009 in GMT converts to
07:00:00 a.m. Friday April 10, 2009 in US/Michigan
Daylight Saving Time is not in effect on this date/time in GMT
Daylight Saving Time is in effect on this date/time in US/Michigan

09:00:00 p.m. Friday April 10, 2009 in Australia/Brisbane converts to
11:00:00 a.m. Friday April 10, 2009 in GMT
Daylight Saving Time is not in effect on this date/time in Australia/Brisbane
Daylight Saving Time is not in effect on this date/time in GMT
----- Original Message -----
From: Blossom Goodchild

Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 3:10 AM
Subject: check for daylight saving times!

Golden Rays One and All.

Regarding the forthcoming Global Visual Affect on April 10th 2009.

Please take note that daylight saving will have come into effect in ceratin countries/states. I had not taken this into account! DER!

I said that it would be 9pm EST Brisbane ... 11am GMT...... It seems the clocks will have changed ( is nothing simple????) and it will be 12noon GMT.

May I suggest that wherever you are in the world you check out what time it will be for you .... when it is 9pm for those of us in Queensland , Australia. (really easy to google).

Many thanks . Hoping this makes sense.

Much excitement is building. So many already visualising on a daily basis. It's got to be good!


Love Light Laughter and Golden Rays

Blossom Goodchild.Golden Rays One and All.

Regarding the forthcoming Global Visual Affect on April 10th 2009.

Please take note that daylight saving will have come into effect in ceratin countries/states. I had not taken this into account! DER!

I said that it would be 9pm EST Brisbane ... 11am GMT...... It seems the clocks will have changed ( is nothing simple????) and it will be 12noon GMT.

May I suggest that wherever you are in the world you check out what time it will be for you .... when it is 9pm for those of us in Queensland , Australia. (really easy to google).

Many thanks . Hoping this makes sense.

Much excitement is building. So many already visualising on a daily basis. It's got to be good!


Love Light Laughter and Golden Rays

Blossom Goodchild.

Magica said:
if it is 9pm (Australian EST), April 10th what time will it be in Toronto, Canada?

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