Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hello dear friends. I am a new member here and have been looking at the recent posts and some of the past. Please do not take offense to what I am going to ask. I need your help in understanding what this community is about. When I first looked, I thought it was about more spiritual matters, but now it seems to me that this is more of a skeptic site. Look at the posts about cures for cancer, GMO food affecting our ascension, Illuminati, NWO, and more. I also ran across a video for a pyramid scheme last night but I can't find it now. It's almost like someone went to every skeptic site on the internet and brought them here, but then why call this Saviors of Earth? If we are here to Save Earth, we have to love ourselves, become one, and move into higher consciousness. So please, I ask you as a friend to let me know if this is the right site for me. I want to talk about higher spiritual matters and not skeptical beliefs like this. Love and respect to you all.

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Hi Fufu... Send it love :) It can be a difficult path to understand how in giving everything meaning in this world, we create our own perceptions of whether something is good or bad. The illusion is created from this process of duality. Consider that all is Source and so all comes from love. The darkest of corners will allow us to see the light if we are coming from and going to love. We really can't reject any aspect of our creation, because it is all our creation, and the ease comes from acceptance for all of who we are, One with Source. Within Source we are perfection in our expression. It is only our choice how we experience these expressions. Letting go of those things that are not who we truly are... our beliefs, thoughts, perceptions and experiences, is the act that will give us true freedom. Giving love to all is the act that will bring all to love. You are correct that our focus should be that of empowering and inspiring our spiritual evolution, but everything in it's entirety is part of that spiritual growth. Nothing can be left behind. So if you feel something as needing upliftment... send it love. To withhold love from anything, is to withhold love from yourself. We are One... Love Dana... PS... Live in your heart.
Beautiful reply Magenta Pixie and I hope this helps LilBunnyFufu. Blessings to you both! Namaste!
Hello dear friends. I will try to respond to everyone that has replied since I last was online. Please accept my apologies for not replying to each of you separately as it would take me a few hours. I was very disheartened when I read the first few replies that talk about my not understanding that there are dark forces in this world. Then more came out about UFOs, aliens, and other things that do not exist. We might as well talk about the Easter Bunny and fairy tales as being real. I think our friend Brad said it well in his last post here. We are fueling thoughts and ideas that don't exist. They are figments of our imagination. It's nice to talk about stories like this, but if we continue to talk and believe they are real then we manifest it ourselves. This is now what our purpose is. We are better than that. Why spend time talking about aliens? They do not exist. If they do, then they have a path that does not cross ours. Our purpose is to evolve. Become One. That is all.

What I see here is a bunch of people that have spent too much time looking at material from David Icke. Too much time doing reasearch on the internet. You need to research life. Understand what life is before you truly know what it is about. Only then will you see that the Illuminati, NWO, aliens are just stories. People like you are responsible for keeping us from evolving. Not some rich man, reptilian, alien or whatever you want to blame Blame yourselves.

Now we can get past all this and move into the higher realms of consciousness. I see that is why I have been brought here. I can hold your hand and help you. You are as a child now opening his eyes. You do not yet understand the simplicity of life and the beauty of it. Allow me to show you how to see. I am not a teacher and never will be, but I know some things that can help. The first step is meditation. Please close your eyes now and imagine water flowing. We are that flow. Moving back and forth, swirling into each other. You can see through it all and you see that there is nothing but ourselves here and now. Now we must all flow together like a river and emerge into the vast sea of consciousness. Keep visualizing this in your meditation. Any thoughts of shadow governments and other fantasies are to be shifted away. They are just your own mind fighting you. Much love.
"They are figments of our imagination"

Yes they are. But what is the "imagination" it is certainly not to be dismissed. The easter bunny may not be "real" in the same way that extra terrestrials and UFO's are but fairy tales, good ones, especially the Hans Christian Anderson and Brothers Grimm contain absolute truth. You only have to read them to see. I don't resonate 100% with everything David Icke says but my agreement to the things he talks about is above 90% and that is good enough to recommend his work as valuable research. Meditation is great advice - keep doing it and you will see the truth of reality and you may even see the Easter bunny LOL

Here is the transcript of my channeling I received from the Nine regarding the imagination.
Much love
Magenta PIxie xx

Dear Pixie, you asked us:
I have been into meditation and have met my spirit guide. It was an amazing experience but how do I know it is not just a construct of my own imagination?

The experience of meeting your higher self counterpart, your higher density guides, and all the beings that exist in higher dimensional states are experienced and interacted with in the dimension fields that you know as your imagination. Therefore, when you met your spirit guide, it was a construct of your own imagination. You have been taught by your teachers within third density, those that parent you or deliver to you your education, or the peers with which you associate that fanciful dreaming and visions and thoughts are “just your imagination,” making you believe that all you experience within the waking state is “the real world” and the experiences within the dream state and within the imagination are “not real.” From our perspective, we could say it was in fact the other way around, although we know the truth of the different dimensional states, so therefore the truest perspective that the third density being incarnated into matter is most likely to absorb is the perspective of truth that both the waking state AND the dream state and imaginative visions and thoughts are both equally as real as one another. These realms are mirrors of one another, one being matter and one being anti-matter.

Often the biggest obstacle to your ability to connect with the part of yourself that can guide you from a higher perspective is your own left-brained logic that tells you something is “just your imagination” or “just dream” and is therefore not real and must be dismissed as anything with which to formulate an informed opinion or viewpoint. In certain situations where left-brained logic is needed, one can temporarily switch to this viewpoint and it is this ability to stand in grounded third density understanding that we from the higher realms cannot do. When this ability is all the third density being can do then an imbalance is manifested within that being. When that being can switch from matter to anti-matter understanding and indeed embrace both realms simultaneously, that being stands in alignment with cosmic forces and thus in balance.

What you experience therefore within the imagination fields is the anti-matter existence where the energies of infinite possibility, infinite creation, infinite abundance, and infinite thought reside. The infinite creation energies are controlled by your own consciousness as you manifest archetypes, characters, beings, scenarios, and so much more within the infinite streaming thought of the consciousness that knows no boundaries. When those creation energies communicate with you, behaving in surprising and unpredictable ways often showing you scenarios you had not consciously thought of or delivering to you information you have not yet come across, this is the higher dimensional energies within the anti-matter fields of the imagination. These energies are your direct link to the deeper unconscious, subconscious aspects of yourself which in turn are connected to universal forces, the cosmic mind, the planetary grid, the living archetypes within and the one source creator energy. Each human being has the entire cosmos and the one true source within them. That which you know as God resides within you all in the vast hyperspace realms. The imagination, is the landing pad as it were that branches off into deeper and deeper anti-matter realities.

How indeed does the entire cosmos and indeed the one source energy, God, reside within each human being on third density Earth? They reside within your DNA for your DNA contains the hyperspace streams, the intelligence of the one creator. and the everything and all. DNA exists within you and outside of you. DNA is part of your blood, yet exists out of time and you are linked to all your past selves, all your future selves, and all your multidimensional selves through the DNA. Therefore when you communicate with your guide in meditation you are communicating with your own DNA. Therefore is that guide a deeper part of yourself? Is that guide a being outside of you? Or both? Is that guide an aspect of your imagination or a real, living, intelligent higher dimensional being from hyperspace? Is that guide you in the future or a past incarnation of you or indeed is that being an extraterrestrial relative. Is that guide your parent or your child?

Your guide is all those things. Your guide is connected to all the guides of higher density and all the higher selves of humanity and all the extra terrestrial beings who are currently surrounding your planet in their living Lightships now. Those Lightships are vast and huge and are in your skies. Those Lightships are microscopic and exist within your DNA, inside the cells within your bodies yet they are one and the same.

Your guide is connected to all and every being, yet your guide is an individual as are you. Your true guide of Light is very different from the passing astral traveler or neutral or benevolent being that may happen to see your Light and visit you within your violet, crystal pyramid or come through your chakras and your body as you embark on a period of communication through automatic writing. Each being that visits you is indeed a deeper part of you. Each being that communicates with you is the voice of your DNA. Each being may come from a different dimension or embody a different polarised frequency yet each are you, each are your DNA. Each are also separate, different, and individual.
Each being that visits you or communicates with you or through you is indeed a construct of your own imagination. Your own wonderful, vast, creative, unexplored, loving, living, intelligent, God-connected imagination.

Hello again Dear Magenta, I really find the words expressed to be soothing and they flow with my feelings. Your guides are indeed yourself but you connect to the higher consciousness. The universe itself! We are all becoming connected in this fashion, becoming one. This is the essence of what we will call ascension. Becoming one with each other and all. You see what you term as alien beings, lightships, and all of those fantasies are but manifestations of humanity. Once we realize this and put behind those distractions we can begin to evolve more and expand our consciousness to what we are meant to be and achieve.

It's not that I am saying not to believe in these things. We can believe, we can imagine and dream. We must not however let them shift focus on the path ahead. This is always a danger on the path of consciousness. Your collective consciousness is indeed our consciousness. Look higher than the nine and you will see all of our consciousnesses there as one as it should be. It is so amazing and often times overwhelming but this is just a glimpse of what we are becoming. One day we will laugh at some of the ideas such as aliens and the human designed gods. Those times are coming :-) Much love my sister.

Magenta Pixie said:
"They are figments of our imagination"

Yes they are. But what is the "imagination" it is certainly not to be dismissed. The easter bunny may not be "real" in the same way that extra terrestrials and UFO's are but fairy tales, good ones, especially the Hans Christian Anderson and Brothers Grimm contain absolute truth. You only have to read them to see. I don't resonate 100% with everything David Icke says but my agreement to the things he talks about is above 90% and that is good enough to recommend his work as valuable research. Meditation is great advice - keep doing it and you will see the truth of reality and you may even see the Easter bunny LOL

Here is the transcript of my channeling I received from the Nine regarding the imagination.
Much love
Magenta PIxie xx

Dear Pixie, you asked us:
I have been into meditation and have met my spirit guide. It was an amazing experience but how do I know it is not just a construct of my own imagination?

The experience of meeting your higher self counterpart, your higher density guides, and all the beings that exist in higher dimensional states are experienced and interacted with in the dimension fields that you know as your imagination. Therefore, when you met your spirit guide, it was a construct of your own imagination. You have been taught by your teachers within third density, those that parent you or deliver to you your education, or the peers with which you associate that fanciful dreaming and visions and thoughts are “just your imagination,” making you believe that all you experience within the waking state is “the real world” and the experiences within the dream state and within the imagination are “not real.” From our perspective, we could say it was in fact the other way around, although we know the truth of the different dimensional states, so therefore the truest perspective that the third density being incarnated into matter is most likely to absorb is the perspective of truth that both the waking state AND the dream state and imaginative visions and thoughts are both equally as real as one another. These realms are mirrors of one another, one being matter and one being anti-matter.

Often the biggest obstacle to your ability to connect with the part of yourself that can guide you from a higher perspective is your own left-brained logic that tells you something is “just your imagination” or “just dream” and is therefore not real and must be dismissed as anything with which to formulate an informed opinion or viewpoint. In certain situations where left-brained logic is needed, one can temporarily switch to this viewpoint and it is this ability to stand in grounded third density understanding that we from the higher realms cannot do. When this ability is all the third density being can do then an imbalance is manifested within that being. When that being can switch from matter to anti-matter understanding and indeed embrace both realms simultaneously, that being stands in alignment with cosmic forces and thus in balance.

What you experience therefore within the imagination fields is the anti-matter existence where the energies of infinite possibility, infinite creation, infinite abundance, and infinite thought reside. The infinite creation energies are controlled by your own consciousness as you manifest archetypes, characters, beings, scenarios, and so much more within the infinite streaming thought of the consciousness that knows no boundaries. When those creation energies communicate with you, behaving in surprising and unpredictable ways often showing you scenarios you had not consciously thought of or delivering to you information you have not yet come across, this is the higher dimensional energies within the anti-matter fields of the imagination. These energies are your direct link to the deeper unconscious, subconscious aspects of yourself which in turn are connected to universal forces, the cosmic mind, the planetary grid, the living archetypes within and the one source creator energy. Each human being has the entire cosmos and the one true source within them. That which you know as God resides within you all in the vast hyperspace realms. The imagination, is the landing pad as it were that branches off into deeper and deeper anti-matter realities.

How indeed does the entire cosmos and indeed the one source energy, God, reside within each human being on third density Earth? They reside within your DNA for your DNA contains the hyperspace streams, the intelligence of the one creator. and the everything and all. DNA exists within you and outside of you. DNA is part of your blood, yet exists out of time and you are linked to all your past selves, all your future selves, and all your multidimensional selves through the DNA. Therefore when you communicate with your guide in meditation you are communicating with your own DNA. Therefore is that guide a deeper part of yourself? Is that guide a being outside of you? Or both? Is that guide an aspect of your imagination or a real, living, intelligent higher dimensional being from hyperspace? Is that guide you in the future or a past incarnation of you or indeed is that being an extraterrestrial relative. Is that guide your parent or your child?

Your guide is all those things. Your guide is connected to all the guides of higher density and all the higher selves of humanity and all the extra terrestrial beings who are currently surrounding your planet in their living Lightships now. Those Lightships are vast and huge and are in your skies. Those Lightships are microscopic and exist within your DNA, inside the cells within your bodies yet they are one and the same.

Your guide is connected to all and every being, yet your guide is an individual as are you. Your true guide of Light is very different from the passing astral traveler or neutral or benevolent being that may happen to see your Light and visit you within your violet, crystal pyramid or come through your chakras and your body as you embark on a period of communication through automatic writing. Each being that visits you is indeed a deeper part of you. Each being that communicates with you is the voice of your DNA. Each being may come from a different dimension or embody a different polarised frequency yet each are you, each are your DNA. Each are also separate, different, and individual.
Each being that visits you or communicates with you or through you is indeed a construct of your own imagination. Your own wonderful, vast, creative, unexplored, loving, living, intelligent, God-connected imagination.

Hello friend, it is not that I am against the idea of aliens or the idea that they exist. They might very well exist but they are not here with us. Not anywhere close to us according to the universal consciousness. If they exist, they are on their path to becoming one with universal consciousness. They are us, we are them. We are all the same. Thinking that they are someother entity that is outside the real of our consciousness is just a distraction from the true self. The idea that one thing is more advanced than another is really just human emotion getting in the way. Projection you might say. To pretend that aliens are coming here to either talk to us in messages, what I see you calling channeling here, or to rule us us just shifting attention and delaying your evolution. Its nice to read stories but sometimes you have to put the book down and face reality and that is our evolution and movement to a higher consciousness. Much love to you and please don't think that I am narrowminded. After all it is this skeptical type of thinking that is making you narrowminded and shifting your focus on to what really needs to be looked at.

Clinton Doherty said:
I dont know why Lilbunny that you are so against the aliens. Yes I agree what you are saying that there should be more of an alignment with what we are as soul and what we can do to help the individuel human being shift into higher consciousness. But imagination yes. Some of it is as we watch allot of T.V shows that show aliens and the beings that we see with our minds eye when we have higher consciousness experience may mirror our thought of what we have been accustmed to by media. But there is life out there on other planets. It is very narrow minded to think that we are the only beings that carry enough consciousness to create and build things to benefit our lives. I do think we are very highly evolved but I do think that there are beings that have been around allot longer and are much further advanced than we are. Are we in contact with these beings. Yes I do believe we have made contact already. Do not throw the alien notion aside cause you havent seen one. We are su small in this univurse. The more we discover about the univurse the more we have to realise that we are far from alone as each solar system carries planets. There are more discoveries of earth like climatical and positioning planets rather the same as our solar system. I think we would be only fooling our selfs if we could just believe we are the only evolved beings in the univurse. I mean come on we havent even explored our own solar system not alone the billions of others.
Thinking that they are someother entity that is outside the real of our consciousness is just a distraction from the true self.

This is true. To focus on something outside of ourself in a saviour type capacity is totally distracting to remaining within that centred flow. We are indeed all one. However denying the existence of Extra Terrestrial beings actually being here amongst us now, interacting with us (and have been for years & years) is like me denying YOUR existence!! You and I are both one being in the higher consciousness and I know that you are not in reality outside of me. However this does not mean you do not exist. If I started thinking I was truly the only person on the planet, however true that may be in the highest reality, I would become extremely ungrounded to the point of insanity. I choose to embrace both realities in order to remain balanced, grounded and informed so I have a good solid foundation in which to reach the higher consciousness.
I knew you would resonate with the Nine because of your positive perspective which they truly embody. However I cannot reach "higher" than the Nine for the Nine are a central point within a Spiral, there is no "higher" or "lower" from where they are!
Hello again Dear Magenta. Do you mind taking some time to post your evidence of these beings? I made a call to some of my friends and we shall be meeting tomorrow. If you can get this information to me in time we can try to connect to these beings. If possible I need a specific name for one of them so we can connect easier. I have also contacted the ones that send out beacons and they may help as well. Although in all this time they have never received any beacons from other systems. Much love sister.

Magenta Pixie said:
Thinking that they are someother entity that is outside the real of our consciousness is just a distraction from the true self.

This is true. To focus on something outside of ourself in a saviour type capacity is totally distracting to remaining within that centred flow. We are indeed all one. However denying the existence of Extra Terrestrial beings actually being here amongst us now, interacting with us (and have been for years & years) is like me denying YOUR existence!! You and I are both one being in the higher consciousness and I know that you are not in reality outside of me. However this does not mean you do not exist. If I started thinking I was truly the only person on the planet, however true that may be in the highest reality, I would become extremely ungrounded to the point of insanity. I choose to embrace both realities in order to remain balanced, grounded and informed so I have a good solid foundation in which to reach the higher consciousness.
I knew you would resonate with the Nine because of your positive perspective which they truly embody. However I cannot reach "higher" than the Nine for the Nine are a central point within a Spiral, there is no "higher" or "lower" from where they are!
Hello again Kerrie. I did not see your reply to me until after the meeting so I was unable to pass on that information. I also spoke to some of the council members and within the past 219 years of our written history we have not had contact with any other beings than ourselves in the other dimensions or in the universal consciousness. I will pass your information on to the council this weekend and see what they have to say. Much love my sister.

Kerrie said:
1.What is their location in the universe?
The particular ship that we are communicating from has been circling your orbit for thousands of years. Therefore we do not have one position for we move when aptly convenient and necessary.
2. Are they much more intelligent than us?
We would say by your behavior as a species sometimes … YES. But in Truth …. NO. We KNOW of more things, but we would say that if the fullness of the human brain were to be in use we would be asking you for tutorage.
3. What do they look like?
We have stated before that aboard our craft there are many from many planets. Look at the differences within the human race and try to imagine the vast differences that may occur between those from different planets. We are from many places and each look very different. We say that some of us ‘put on’ an appearance in order to be accepted, as it is necessary to do so. There are those who visit us from THE HIGH COUNCIL that ‘adorn’ an appearance as they are simply DIVINE ENERGY. We, that are communicating with Blossom are a Conscious Energy. We embrace many. We are not necessarily as you may imagine. It is that we ‘give out’ an appearance in order to be recognized. We that are speaking now are an ‘All’. Yet we present to Blossom of ‘Star-kind Beings' as in … almost white transparency bodies, very lean, very tall, no hair follicles, with large eyes and a ‘line’ where ‘your’ lips are placed. Blossom is feeling LOVE more than the vision we present, as this is how we CHOOSE to appear for convenience purposes ... There is a large spectrum.
4. What exactly do they think of us?
It is not in the ways of your world. We do not form opinions or make judgments. WE LOVE YOU …EACH AND EVERYONE … for that is who we are and what we know. That is not to say that sometimes we find certain distinctions (?) baffling!
Once again I come to you asking for help in understanding what this community is about. If you want me to leave, you can tell me and I will go as I do not want to make trouble.

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