Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hello dear friends. I am a new member here and have been looking at the recent posts and some of the past. Please do not take offense to what I am going to ask. I need your help in understanding what this community is about. When I first looked, I thought it was about more spiritual matters, but now it seems to me that this is more of a skeptic site. Look at the posts about cures for cancer, GMO food affecting our ascension, Illuminati, NWO, and more. I also ran across a video for a pyramid scheme last night but I can't find it now. It's almost like someone went to every skeptic site on the internet and brought them here, but then why call this Saviors of Earth? If we are here to Save Earth, we have to love ourselves, become one, and move into higher consciousness. So please, I ask you as a friend to let me know if this is the right site for me. I want to talk about higher spiritual matters and not skeptical beliefs like this. Love and respect to you all.

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Hi sweetie, I'm really sorry you feel like this and I certainly hope my posts have not upset you in any way, thankyou so much for adding me as a friend. I know some people can come across as skeptical and that is not always a bad thing, skeptisism and discernment is always advised in any learning process. I haven't seen any of the illuminat or NWO posts you refer to, the point here is that the illuminati and the NWO do exist. Within these factions there are both negative and positive groups of people - some of these groups want to control us & keep things hidden from us and their ultimate agenda is to stop the evolution of humanity and the Ascension of Earth. Within that same elite construct there are positive groups working for the very best for humanity, Obama is one of those people and I'll get shot down in flames by many on this site for saying so I expect. You see the good in everything and that is absolutely fantastic, let us not forget though that there is truth within the controlling agendas however when one moves beyond anger and into acceptance these controlling elite groups no longer have any power over us. If it is higher spiritual matters you wish to discuss & talk about then this is because inside you know you wish to keep your vibration high and of course your feelings are absolutely correct and it is right for you to want to do this. There are wonderful communities out there online that vibrate within an equal frequency of love light, some of these groups do not tend to look at the darker realities at all and others do whilst still keeping their vibration high. I resonate with the frequency of the latter. This group, Saviours of Earth, is more diverse embracing several different levels of awareness and understanding yet that very much has it's place also.
For higher communication on spiritual matters I invite you to come along and listen to some of my videos on you tube

You may not resonate with all but I'm sure you shall resonate with some & possibly many. They are for the most part channeled directly from my guides.

Much love and respect to you dear one
Magenta Pixie xxx
Hello dear friend, Magenta. No, your posts have not upset me so please do not worry. I will be looking at yur videos throughout today and am sure I will resonate with some. I think if such groups such as the Illuminati and NWO existed they are not here to stop our ascension process. They cannot stop what they cannot control and it is in our hands. In fact the way to stop us is by having us believe in such things. That we can be controlled with food, that very bad afflictions like cancer can be cured, that HIV does not cause AIDS. As long as we are trapped in this thinking, then if those groups exist, they have won.

We cannot be both a victim and a savior. We are here to evolve and the only thing in our way is a bad mindset. The world is not as evil as you believe. Do not create duality by becoming so skeptical about the very nature of reality. Do you not see how much duality is being created once you allow yourself to believe in such skeptical matters. Of course, skepticism is a good thing, but some of what I've seen here goes beyond healthy. Once we realize that we can be past such talk, we can begin moving up to higher forms of consciousness. This is what we are here for after all.

Thank you again dear friend and much love and respect to you.

Magenta Pixie said:
Hi sweetie, I'm really sorry you feel like this and I certainly hope my posts have not upset you in any way, thankyou so much for adding me as a friend. I know some people can come across as skeptical and that is not always a bad thing, skeptisism and discernment is always advised in any learning process. I haven't seen any of the illuminat or NWO posts you refer to, the point here is that the illuminati and the NWO do exist. Within these factions there are both negative and positive groups of people - some of these groups want to control us & keep things hidden from us and their ultimate agenda is to stop the evolution of humanity and the Ascension of Earth. Within that same elite construct there are positive groups working for the very best for humanity, Obama is one of those people and I'll get shot down in flames by many on this site for saying so I expect. You see the good in everything and that is absolutely fantastic, let us not forget though that there is truth within the controlling agendas however when one moves beyond anger and into acceptance these controlling elite groups no longer have any power over us. If it is higher spiritual matters you wish to discuss & talk about then this is because inside you know you wish to keep your vibration high and of course your feelings are absolutely correct and it is right for you to want to do this. There are wonderful communities out there online that vibrate within an equal frequency of love light, some of these groups do not tend to look at the darker realities at all and others do whilst still keeping their vibration high. I resonate with the frequency of the latter. This group, Saviours of Earth, is more diverse embracing several different levels of awareness and understanding yet that very much has it's place also.
For higher communication on spiritual matters I invite you to come along and listen to some of my videos on you tube

You may not resonate with all but I'm sure you shall resonate with some & possibly many. They are for the most part channeled directly from my guides.

Much love and respect to you dear one
Magenta Pixie xxx
"The world is not as evil as you believe"

I do not believe the world is evil dear one, far from it. Please see my videos and maybe you shall understand where I am coming from. They are mostly spoken from my guides but obviously I am in alignment with all that my guides say.

Loads of love to you :)
I didn't mean to come across and saying you meant the world was evil but thinking that there are so many agendas out there to keep us down is focusing on something that isn't there and choosing to remain a victim. Will be looking at your videos very soon, there are so many :-) Love to you.

Magenta Pixie said:
"The world is not as evil as you believe"

I do not believe the world is evil dear one, far from it. Please see my videos and maybe you shall understand where I am coming from. They are mostly spoken from my guides but obviously I am in alignment with all that my guides say.

Loads of love to you :)
Hello my new friend Besimi. It is not that I only want to hear the good side. I understand that being human means being both good and bad. We all have this inside us and it's OK. This is living. Being all good or all evil is not what being human is about. You see I do not think we are so evil that we can form such a thing as the Illuminati. Yes, there are bad people, but not so evil as they would try to control us in the ways you think or try to stop us ascending. It is impossible to do such a thing so if such people exist, I must feel sorry for them as they cannot ever win. We are in the best situation ever. We are alive. We exist. We are evolving every moment. Take a deep breath and look away from the computer screen for a moment. You feel that? It's your consciousness screaming. Saying get up and get away from the damned computer. Get out, enjoy life. Be you. Be one. We are so much more than you can imagine, but feeling trapped and put down is why we have not attained what we can. All it takes is you opening your eyes. Not anyone else doing it for you, not some evil Illuminati being taken down, just you my friend. Giving focus to such things is a waste of your life. Don't you see that now?

besimi said:
Lots of love to you our sister LilBunnyFufu:):):):) You are Home now.A place of a great Light,for people of Love just like you. It's just that this Site encompasses : Everything ,of the most important issues of this world.
...:):):) See you can't fully evolve without facing everything,good and bad,light and dark ect.Maybe you wanna hear only the good side and we talk about it also( you just joined on this times when we been disscusing dark side) ...
But as you are saying that these things like NWO,Illuminati and other dark forces don't exist,or don't mean any harm on us:):):) I guess you are just saying it, without giving it a thoughtfulness.
If we didn't have such groups of bad people controlling us ,and having bad intention for us: ..We 'd be in a better situations.
Don't you see my friend,we losing everything: our homes,property,jobs,freedom ect.'s all planed,by some???.
You be of love and light,cause we need that light to shine in the darkness. We aren't gonna transcend to 5D, without shining on every bit of the darkness that exist in this world,:):):) keep on shining our lovely sister,you are more then loved here.namaste.
Hello again Brad. I think this community can be more than it is now. I don't mean that as a bad thing, so please don't take offense. Right now it is as if many of you have your heads down or stuck on a computer screen. Stop living in this despair and raise your hearts and vibration to a higher consciousness. The site has impacted me in a way that questions if I should be here or not. I don't want to be so cynical about life like many of the members here. They seem not to enjoy life and see life for what it is and that's so sad. I wish I could help, but for so many people they want to be like sheep and led to believe our lives are under control by some dark forces. We are better than all of this ? We've come so far to put ourselves down like this. I feel sadness for the pain that people here are putting themselves through. Thinking they are victims of something that is not there. When they can be enjoying life. Everyone here obviously has a good enough life to afford a computer and internet. Think about all those people that can't even afford to eat everyday.

I want to see this place become better and more spiritual. Don't let it stay so empty. If I can help define that I will do my best. Much love to you all.

Brad Johnson said:
Best question to ask is to ask yourself. "What do you think it means?" "How has it impacted you?" "What do you feel when you're here?" Best definition of what anything means is the definition you give it.

Hello Dear Brad and thank you for such nice words. Your goal for this site admirable. I think this is your site. I'm new to this sort of site. Usually on forums you see a * next to the owner or site admins. So I think this place is yours now as I see the same icon and name on the About part. I hope that the members here see that we need to be uplifted and move past all this negativity. Duality is being created on this site by looking at such things. We can be so much more if we evolve past these false beliefs. I welcome love and freedom and I am so glad this site embraces that. It is not that I ask you all not to talk about dark forces or whatever, but keep in mind they are fake. We can talk about Jesus, Mohammad, Illuminati, Satan and all the others but in the end they are just false beliefs trying to halt our evolution. They halt our evolution by getting us to stop the focus on ourselves and each other. Remember that my friends.

Brad Johnson said:
That's why this site is here, to help those who feel they are down, or dominated, or lack that confidence in themselves. I wouldn't say everyone here stares at a computer screen all day per se, but with a site like this, it's geared to help those from all across the world. A central virtual hub for those who want to find the true meaning of love, understanding and evolution.

Some people need that boost of confidence or guidance to understand what they're path truly is, and that's what we offer here. I'm more than happy to help anyone with understanding their evolution as well as several others here are willing to do the same. I see many here with their lives together and their hearts filled with love. Once you get to understand the core nature of this community, you'll start understanding the true meaning of this site. It is about love and freedom, regardless of what is discussed. It is a place where we can discuss such issues that might be troubling us to have those who are willing to lend a helping hand to guide those who seem in the dark towards light. At least, that's how I have always seen this community and I have never been disappointed with those who come here whether they are true love or whether they have had dark sides to themselves. All who are interested in their own evolution and progression are always welcome here and I gladly invite them in with open arms.

Thanks. ;)
As I said before Lilbunnyfufu, your positivity and love shines through and that is amazing. My guides speak continuously of how we need to keep our vibration high with gladness and joy in our hearts and to embrace this wonderful reality we call human life. You will see just how positive my guides are about humanity and Earth when you watch my videos. The speak of how we can draw any reality to us by our thoughts - we can, and do "create our own reality" when we think positive and loving thoughts, we draw that reality towards us and experience it. When we think fearful, negative thoughts we draw that reality towards us so we need to be mindful of our thoughts, staying in a place of love and more importantly knowing and trust. We know our world is good and amazing and loving and my goodness me to we have a great future to look forward to. Indeed the present, the now moment, is everything we want it to be, we do not have to wait for the future to access the richness and abundance of life, it is here for us now. It is therefore quite easy to ignore the darker aspects of our reality, but my guides do advise we look at those darker aspects in a loving way, in order to become informed. We cannot open just the heart without embracing the focus of the mind as well. This is the balance between masculine & feminine, yin and yang. Yes that is duality but duality is part of our reality. We cannot fully embrace oneness without experiencing and understanding duality, this is why we are here in physicality in the first place. So we look at the darker aspects with a loving heart. We do not need to fear or be angry although it is quite understandable for people to feel this way once they realise the scale of the control and cover ups. Yes there are those who do not wish for our Ascension. There are those who have interacted with extra terrestrial races on our planet for years yet is this shown on our TV screens or in our newspapers? No, because they do not want us to know the truth of our reality. That truth may be very hard for some of us to take especially regarding our genetic origins and why we were created in the first place. These are service to self beings who do exactly that - serve self. They have no concern for "others" you cannot understand this mindset because you are a service to others being. I am the same as you, when I first learned of these things my reaction was one of dismissal and disbelief. But I researched and discovered the evidence is overwhelming, plus I spoke to my guides. However these illuminati groups are not evil, just ignorant and unenlightened. You are quite correct that they simply cannot and will not succeed in stopping our Ascension, it is happening now and with groups like this we can connect together and harness our amazing lifeforce energy. Then when we move into a place of knowledge AND love, we balance our frequencies and are ready to Ascend in balance having integrated every part of ourselves, for if we ignore a part of our reality then we ignore a part of ourself as well.
My guides, the Nine, repeat to me often and this is so important, United we stand!

Much love
Pixie x
I love you guys. I wouldnt be the same person if it wasnt for SoE.

I see this community as a blessing.

Hi Lilbunny. Welcome to SOE. Thing is that when we look at groups of people who are oppressive, or for their own reasons want to hold the popolation of the world down, we are number one, doing so from tangible evidence that they do exist. I therefore correct you with love on that fact, because you have said that you 'think' that nothing like this can exist. See this is not about what we think, but about what has been researched by dedicated, and at times overqualified comrades, some of whom seem to have made it a live's work to find and disceminate this information. So therefore when you say you 'think' if cannot exist, then mine will be a duty to point you to the fact that evidence of their actions, existence and intensions have been laid out in plain day light.

and two, it's not that belief in the existence of these people points us in a certain spiritual direction. The importance of knowing is that it deals a blow to ignorance. There is no ground that is more fertile than the ground of ignorance, for anyone who wants to plant seeds of fear, oppression and hopelessness. You can therefore rest assured that even if we look at, and understand this information about the illuminati etc, it is more for the purposes of knowing where we have been, and understanding how much victory today represents for us. It is also a source of in you would laugh at an individual who contests with infinate intelligence thinking that it could actually be influenced for personal gain, would you not. A source of joy to look at what the design was, that never became because we are beings that were made to live a certain way, in light, and that darkness, no matter how cunning, couldn't dim. When too we are at the comp and noticing that we can afford some luxuries that others cannot afford, it rather tells us that we have been put here for a responsibility. If that one who cannot afford a comp doesn't look at it, and I don't also, then who will get to find this information here, and distribute to the other? We know they are there, and we love them, and we wish that whatever happened to give them poverty, should not have happened...but research tells us that that inequality, the poverty, the disease is all by design put there for a purpose. We cannot, out of the evidence, not thought, afford to burry our heads in the sand and say 'it cannot be'. That can be an expression when you know the truth, but the truth will still tell you that yes, it can be, and it is. Look at both sides, know, and then wash yourself in the joy of victory. That is productive negativity ayt? In love and light thus
Lots of people are getting trapped with the Love Versus Fear language. These two feelings are at the core of ourselve's, yes and when we practice regarding others only with love we evolve away from fear which has been our prison for eons. Yes. Thankfully the English language offers us a few other words that can relay our intent without being in love with everybody continually, which is a bit of a headspin and starts to sound a bit trite eventually. Thankfully the Engilsh language is linear and opposite.
So if someone steals your wallett in a bar, you may not have to fall in love with them as anger begins to take you over, but you may just forgive and forget, It is quite possible to hold good ( Loving) feeling in your heart in challenging times. Other substitue love feelings are, empathy, understanding, patience,benevolence, gratitude. I will have to remember my (Love) substitute words when I reply to some of the silly stuff posted up here as well as the better postings from lightworkers.
Viva La Revolution and Love to all.
I understand it's not good to focus on the negativity in life and the nwo/illuminati. But for one to become fully awakened you have to raise your consciousness/awareness to everything that is around you. I don't see how some of you can say they are not evil when they ritually sacrifice humans and poison us on a daily basis. It's pretty more than obvious that the majority of them don't care at all for humanity and don't really want us alive. Anyways, just because you open up your eyes to realize things like that exist and are real, doesn't mean you have to focus on it 24/7. They served their purpose on our awakening and now it's up to us from here on out to create the kind of world and life we want to live. I also think everyone should send out some positive energy for the people that are suffering right now from the elite spinning money around.. all the homeless / jobless stressed out people.

Love and light.

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