Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

My path leading here and how the Law of Attraction worked for me

Background: Intellectual with a promising future in schooling, but didn't know what my future held. Experimented with psychedelics, and dropped from a grueling magnet program. Now I'm in a commune of friends in which we all put our money together and hope to change the world through our ideals and art and music. More members to come, I see green rolling hills in my future and a farm...

It all started back in early 2008, when I saw my first UFOs in my life. I continually saw them for months until they slowed to a trickle and eventually a stop. Believe it or not it had awakened me. I began intense internet research that eventually led me to the whole 10/14/08 thing. Unfortunately in September 2008 I was pulled over for stopping at a red light too short. They searched my car with flashlights and saw a bag of marijuana stems in the back seat. Then they found our pipe and bag. And then they charged me with DUI. I blew a 0.00 and stayed the night in jail. Now I had to deal with countless court dates and the stress of anticipating them. Saviors of Earth gave me concrete info about Creating our Own Realities, which I had been piecing together on my own. I decided to give it a shot and projected the outcome of my redemption in a positive manner. In conversation with my fellow commune members, I discovered that they believed the worse would happen. I explained to them about thinking about a positive outcome in a positive manner and they thought it was better than nothing. Midway through the waiting process my possession and paraphernalia charges were dropped leaving me with a DUI. Minimum maximum sentence is 12 months probation $900+ fines and classes. Final court date is March 25th, 2009. I find my girlfriend who moved away is visiting in April and moving back in summer. So already I'm looking past the date. It's the 24th and I'm walking to work looking at the clouds, praying that there are higher forces in my favor. At work my public defender calls me, leaving a message giving me a new court time later in the day. Not even 20 minutes later he calls me and says the charges were dropped. I felt such a wonderful elated lifting sensation from my shoulders. Months of anticipation stress gone in an instant. I have my whole life ahead of me to enjoy now without worry or stress. Honestly the gov't was my only stressor since I became involved in meditation for peace and love.

I wish to be self sufficient with my brothers and sisters of this planet alongside me, regardless of color, race, or creed. I hope that more people are looking within for these answers. There seems to be changes happening with people I see. Maybe there is a divine plan for us.

Peace out <3


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Thanks a lot for reading. I wish that I could see all the rainbow/orange/red orbs, and triangles and saucers like I use to see. Maybe they are showing to other non awakened instead.
cool story man, sounds predictable and like it sucks, I've been through all that shit man....blew 1 point over the limit, got taken in, stayed in the cell in the night

and I'm always smoking, just don't keep the stash in the car man, and if you do it needs to be in a proper spot (which really there is none when the canines come in)

best thing is to have none, and if you get stopped and are high, just tell them I DID have some but it's all gone now and nothing's on me officer

might get impaired driving though lol

gov't sucks

but I don't let them limit what I feel I want to do in my life
Thanks for sharing Mark, that was a great story... Having to deal with the authorities must have been the last of the residual, misqualified, thought that you had to work out... we are all clearing lower vibrations from our aura at this time...thank God we are not living in a war torn country like Iraq or Israel.
heading for ascension,
you are so right, so much has changed for me in the past 2 years, it's like we're making leaps and bounds forwards :]

Rainah Goldfeather said:
Thanks for sharing Mark, that was a great story... Having to deal with the authorities must have been the last of the residual, misqualified, thought that you had to work out... we are all clearing lower vibrations from our aura at this time...thank God we are not living in a war torn country like Iraq or Israel.
heading for ascension,

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