Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

What is Presence? Well, what isn't Presence? All that is happening in the Moment is what's Real. Anything your focused upon that doesn't exist in the Present is an illusion. Simple, isn't it? Everything that you're experiencing Now is Reality, anything else is an illusion. Everything exists within the Present Moment, nothing exists within the past or future. When the past was the present, we called it now, but Now that's over and done with. Creation moves forward, it doesn't get stuck in the past. Only in illusion does the past matter to the present. You are where you are Now, focusing on how you got here and where you are going only distract from the Present.

Many try to cling to the past to control the future. There's even a saying “Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it”. This may sound good to the mind, but in practical application it's never worked. Clinging to the past has only caused us to repeat history, not transcend it. For instance, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has gone on in one form or another for over a thousand years. History is still repeated daily and it's only proven how self-destructive clinging to the past can be. If they actually forgave each other and forgot about the past, there could be Peace there tomorrow. You have to let go of the past to move forward.

The situation in Palestine is only one of the more extreme examples of conflict caused by attachment to the past. In fact, every conflict has it's roots in the past, nobody can hurt you in the Present. Only after the event takes place can you judge another as having hurt you. You may think that someone or something has harmed you, but it's holding on to the illusionary hurt that really does the damage.

You can't hold on to the Present, in the Moment you try to grasp it, it becomes the past. In trying to hold on, the Passion that only exists within the Present is divided up into a past made of memories and emotions. Your “past” is only made of memories and emotions, nothing else. Your memories are your version of what happened, and are always less than what actually occurred. If you really look at the Present, there's an enormous amount of experience taking place. If you really look at your memories, you'll see they're an extremely limited and one-sided version of events. Reality is Whole and Complete in Every Moment. Your memories are a limited and inherently flawed attempt to capture the Present Moment, and since they're something limited in a Limitless Reality, they aren't Reality at all, but illusion.

Now the past isn't made up of just memories, but emotions too. You have to deal with both to let go of the chains of the past. Emotions are like the glue that holds the memories there. When you try to hold on to experience, you don't experience it fully. It's incomplete and this causes your Present Experience to be divided into memories and emotions. What you believe happened becomes your memories and what you believe you felt becomes your emotions. When one is really Present, there's no division of Passion, Love, into memories and emotions. What you experience and what you feel are united, no division. They're two sides of the same coin, separation can only occur in illusion.

For a person to Awaken from illusion, memories and emotions must be united back into Passion. This is why it's been said over and over again to simply let go. Let go of everything, because your attachments aren't what's Real. Because they aren't Real, you have nothing to lose and Everything to gain by letting go. You wont lose anything but illusion, Reality will still be here. Since holding on to the past means you haven't completed the experience, letting go frees you up to move through it and on to larger and more grander experiences. When you let go of the past, you have the opportunity to feel the emotions and clear the energy blockages they create.

Many people try to fool themselves into thinking they've let go of past events. Going through the emotions can be painful. In fact, all pain is rooted in emotions. In order to avoid the pain, people tell themselves they've let go of the attachments, but they don't work through the emotions. Then they wonder why the same stuff keeps coming up again and again. If this is happening to you, there's still a part of the memories/emotions you don't want to face.

Through detachment, one is able to get a wholistic view of the “past”. The sting is taken out of the emotions and a much larger view of the memories is possible. One is able to forgive themselves and others for any harm given or received (In fact, it's now understood that harm was never Real to begin with). The “past” becomes one's story of how they got to the Present, instead of what distracts them from the Present. When one is detached from the past, they're able to Connect in the Present. All the energy that was tied up within memories and emotions unites to becomes Passion in the Moment.

You can't change the future by holding on to the past. Many try to avoid fear and pain that might happen in the future, by holding on to the fear (memories) and pain (emotions) of their past. It doesn't work this way. In fact, holding on to the fear and pain pretty much assures that it's going to come back again. Creation occurs in the Present, not the past, and if you really want a better future you'll focus on what's occurring Now. When the “future” gets here it'll be Now anyway. Tomorrow never comes, so there's really no reason to be concerned with it. Peace and happiness aren't something tomorrow brings, and if you find Peace and happiness tomorrow it's simply the flowers of seeds planted in the Present. Everything you have, need and are is already Present, you just have to be Present yourself to realize this.

Love from the Kingdom of Heaven, Love from Your Family of Light, and Love from Mother and Father God.


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Very interesting insights, thank you Will. Namaste.

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