Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hey everyone. I have been a huge fan of Wayne Dyer since I was a kid. He has been an incredible influence on me.

I wanted to share a set of mp3's I put together. I contains two sets of his works. One is 101 Ways of Transforming Your Life, which is 2 mp3's, and is him talking over music 101 thoughts and ideas on improving your life. It's amazing and I listen to it often.

The other set is a four mp3 set on Japa Meditation.

Two tracks deal with the morning meditation, which used the sounds of aahhhh, breathing and projecting intent from the third eye chakra.

The other two tracks deal with the evening meditation, which is the oommm breathing meditation, and it has to do with releasing your day and putting yourself in the spirit of gratitude.

They are amazing tracks, and i zipped them if anyone wants to download them here.

Peace. :)

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I have read a couple of Wayne Dyer's books and have seen him talk on tv many times so I'm downloading these and sure they'll be a good listen :)


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