Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

7212.35-153.32 / -2.08% 1:52pm ET Please keep updating it everyone

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Andy (UK) said:
Sorry but when he started talking to dodi and diana he lost me, I agree he is entertaining, but also building up peoples hopes who are gullible enough to believe him, I've read all marks posts, not just on this site and I can honestly say. Not 1 thing he has ever said (that I have read), have come true. Each to there own, apologies if I upset anyone, I never meant to, its just posts like his that make me angry, he (to me) is a false prophet, namaste.
Andy no one is forcing you to read anything! ! read the things that interesting you instead of always read things you dont like, nobody is forcing you!! you just wasting you time nothing more..
i know, but i feel sorry for the gullible lot who actually do believe the crap this guy spills out.
he is fake, 100% fake..................
Andy (UK) said:
i know, but i feel sorry for the gullible lot who actually do believe the crap this guy spills out.
he is fake, 100% fake..................

If it actually is fake, one good thing that came out of it is that it gave me alot of hope, which is a positive energy. It gave me a reason to look forward to tommorrow hoping that something in this hell hole, will actually give. Who knows how much my positive hope has bent the collective energy of the entire that of the rest of the gullible ones? Hmm?
thank you kihanyaking

you hit the nail on the head

"If it actually is fake, one good thing that came out of it is that it gave me alot of hope,"

he filled you full of false hope, you were looking for things to get better, stop looking to the skies for peace and love, find it within... Namaste
Today the Dow Jones is up over yesterday finishing at $7350.94 at 8:15 pm MST
I checked it on MSN. Hmmmm

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