The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Philosophy has it's limits but is always a good thing to have an awareness of as a reference when embarking on spirituality which can be perceived from so many different perspectives, but yes we are at a time of expanded consciousness that will allow us to open our hearts and hear with clarity our truth.Welcome to SOE Love to you my friend
so much love to you,lovely are in the best place ,here with lightworkers,like-minded people of love. have joined those ,who still hold their light high ,and will make are so welcome Home.namaste friend
nice to hear petra much love to you and your path towards enlightenment
Welcome to SoE, Petra. Wishing you all the love and light on your journey. And know many are here to help and support you along the way.
Take care of yourself.
Hi Brad, nice to hear from you again and thanks for your warm welcome. You know, I am glad you opened this space to us. To me it already feels like in the golden age already, it is very cosy and warm here. Hanging around with other souls who are giving a lot of caring for the others is the best training to create a similar future for all of us. Thanks a lot and many greetings from good old germany, Petra. Oh and by the way, respect for your video you adressed to the dark forces. You are a brave one. God bless you.
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