Saviors Of Earth

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Astral Travel / Telepathy / Travelling through time - the Past

Share here your experiences of time travel to the past or ..... was it telepathy? What is the difference between telepathy and time travel?

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In January 2008. I had scheduled to meet my sister at an Auto Electrical place so she could drop her car off to have the air-conditioner re-gassed, and I would then transport her to her home. I waited outside the office for about ten minutes. As “time” progressed, I thought perhaps my sister had got lost and then as more “time” went by, I started to feel a little anxious, and hoped that nothing had gone wrong. Then someone came out of the Auto Electrical store and to my surprise, asked me “are you the lady waiting for her sister to drop off her car?” I said yes, and he responded, “her car has broken down and there’s someone on the phone to speak to you about it.” I went into the office and on the phone was my boy-friend. My sister, not knowing the telephone number for the place where I was, had instinctively dialled my home telephone number, whereupon, fortunately, my boy-friend answered her call.

He looked up the telephone number for the Auto Electrical place and he rang me there. He told me where my sister was and gave me her mobile telephone number. I then immediately called my sister and spoke to her briefly.

Her car had broken down on a busy main road, whereupon she had telephoned the RAC (Royal Automobile Club) for assistance, and within a few minutes of the car breaking down, a tow-truck driver stopped and helped her push her car over to the side of the wide road, where cars could go around her in that lane. She told me that she was now waiting for the RAC to come, then suddenly informed me that the RAC man had arrived.

I waited while she talked a little to him, then he went to set up a Road Hazard sign and so I asked her if I should drive on to her house, to wait for her. She said no, that I should go home, because she didn’t know how long they would be, so I cancelled the booking at the Auto Electrical place, and drove around for a while. I was confused about where her car had broken down, but eventually I found the location, and as I drove past I saw her car on the hard shoulder with the bright yellow RAC van parked in front of her. Not having a place nearby to park, and thinking that the RAC would be fixing the car soon, I drove on home, to await an update from my sister.

Well, eventually, my sister got to her home, and in the evening I drove over to visit her. I told her my story and when I got to the part when I immediately telephoned her after my partner had telephoned me at the Auto Electrical place, I said “I heard the man say pull the wheel to the left”. My sister looked at me in surprise and asked “what do you mean?” I casually replied “I heard the man say pull the wheel to the left while I was talking to you on the phone”. She responded that was strange because the tow-truck driver had said those exact words as he helped her to push the car as far over to the side as possible. I nodded solemnly and said “I heard him crystal clear, I heard a firm and pleasant man’s voice saying pull the wheel to the left.”

My sister told me that at the time he had said those words, it was rather surreal (un-realistic) to her, and she also had a feeling of déjà vu, that is, it was as if she knew already that had happened. I admitted to her that I was surprised and a little confused when I heard the man say those words, because my sister had just told me that the tow-truck driver had come and been and helped her push the car to the side, and she was waiting now for the RAC. But, at the time, I thought or rationalised to myself that the RAC man must be helping her to push the car over further, maybe on to the hard shoulder.

But no, my sister informed me that at the time I was talking to her on her mobile phone, that the RAC was with her, not the tow-truck driver, and that five minutes had elapsed since the tow-truck driver had turned up (like an angel) on the scene, and had said those words!!

So, how did I hear him? It was a time-warp !! Well, I don’t really know what a time-warp is, but we had some theories about how I heard something which wasn’t happening at the time I heard it. One is that as I was talking to my sister, I was concerned about her safety, and somehow I astral travelled back to the “past” to the scene and heard the man’s voice.

The other is that my sister was thinking about the man’s words as I was talking to her, which would have formed an energetic thought form, because thoughts are “things”, and if strong enough, they have a strong energetic form. Perhaps via the channel or means of the telephone, it transmitted not only our voices, but her thought form as well.

The spin on this is that if so, then the thought must have had the quality or property of the spoken words, which I picked up, if it was a case of telepathy, because I heard the man’s voice clear as crystal. Can a thought form, in this case, thinking about the spoken words of the tow-truck driver, carry the nuances or properties of the spoken word being thought about? Would it be more a memory or a remembrance that my sister had which perhaps I picked up, out of concern for my sister's welfare?

Perhaps someone will be able to tell me, or I will discover, whether telepathy of the clairaudient type involves hearing words in the voice of the person transmitting the voice.

Anyhow, it seemed to be more that I was in another realm or space when I heard the words. It honestly felt like "no time" and I was 100% focused on my connection with my sister. Perhaps it was an instance of time folding upon itself, which anyhow, could structurally be behind astral travel to the “past” or “future”. By that, I mean if everything is happening at once, then maybe I experienced two happenings, with time as we know it, folding on itself, i.e. perhaps because I wanted information, I folded time so that I was in the Auto Electrical place and astrally at the scene of the break-down simultaneously.

Anyhow my intuition is that what I experienced was telepathic clair-audience where I tuned or tapped into my sister’s memory.

I invite any discussion about this.




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