Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seems that this site is getting very quiet. If you are an active member, please reply to let us know you are alive.

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LOL! Glad you're not silent, Silent :P

Silent said:
Yep, still active. ;-) Best wishes HR and all.
alive and well i daresay!

Galaxytoast said:
alive and well i daresay!
Hi Indigo!

Let me know when you find the light :P

Indigo Bliss said:
Hey there H.R. I have enjoyed our controversial conversations about area 51 employees haha. I give great pleasure in connecting with yourself in this fantastic community. All the best, always.
I don't think it's so quiet I have been posting more than ever.
im still here :)
thx HR
You are, but it seems really quiet otherwise. I know it's not just me saying it :(

Alex said:
I don't think it's so quiet I have been posting more than ever.
Indigo, we can all take colors of the light. Like Reservoir Dogs. Savior Dogs. We each need a color. I'm Mr. White. You can be Mr. Pink :P

Indigo Bliss said:
H.R., great news. I have found the is HERE, in all of us, in all that is. That my friend, is the real light, and nothing can ever take that away...other than, ourself. If you ask me, everytime I come to his website, this community, I have the dire need to wear sunglasses haha. Tell me, whoever reading this, that you don't feel what I am saying. Because I think you do, at least that's how I "feel" lol. Don't worry about sun block my friends, this tan is the "holy grail". Shine on shaman...

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
Hi Indigo!
Let me know when you find the light :P
Indigo Bliss said:
Hey there H.R. I have enjoyed our controversial conversations about area 51 employees haha. I give great pleasure in connecting with yourself in this fantastic community. All the best, always.
Hi Bishop :) L&L

Bishop said:
im still here :)
thx HR
Yes... and sexually active as well. Oh, sorry - that was out loud.
I´m active too!

HR, is it time to workout or what? don´t eat too much junk food!!! lol

Im here,

Body, soul and dreams:)

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