Enjoy the Movie
Via Gloria Wendroff
https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/06/enjoy-movie.htmlGod said:
Criticism is a harsh thing. Be very careful with it. You may think you are doing some good with it. Perhaps you are. Too often it is you who feels good giving it while the receiver feels disheartened. Criticizing gives you a sense of satisfaction, perhaps, that you have educated someone. Even when you are correct, you may be incorrect to correct. Do not think that giving criticism is your due.
Do not praise unduly either. False praise is false praise. It can be as wasteful as criticism. Whatever is going on, it is not a critical matter.
You have to get out of the mode of criticism. And that includes self-criticism. When you don’t fault yourself, you will be less likely to fault another.
If you must find fault, find fault with the concept of fault-finding. When love is, where can fault lie? The only fault is in not loving. It is not your duty nor your right to find fault. Bite your tongue.
If you do not feel loving, then ask yourself how you would respond if you did feel awareness of love in your heart. You would respond more creatively.
Ink spilt is ink spilt. Pitch in and clean it up.
When there is no past, where can fault lie? When a river flows, where can past collect?
Life flows, beloveds. It is not collected. Life is ever-moving and, therefore, it is always fresh.+++
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