Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Peace will speed up, when you can accept that all souls are the children of God

Peace will speed up, when you can accept that all souls are the children of God
Higher Self
Channeled by Mike Quinsey

You live in a troubled world that is seeing the worst of mankind’s resolve to protect themselves by using force. It is the old way that has been used for many centuries with untold damage and deaths of civilians. The people have been deceived for so long that they despair of ever being able to live in peace. We assure you however, that there is a road map that leads to it and it is not too far away. It is sad to think that the leaders of the world have not agreed to peace terms for the sake of humanity, who have turned their backs against it. You can only take so much before you realise that war never solved a problem but creates more. However, there is a move towards creating a worldwide pact, so that no country would dare attack another without knowing that they would suffer serious consequences.

Clearly you will have to make the best of a serious worldwide situation, until there is a real effort to bring countries together under a new leadership that will start a new era of peace. It can be done and must be in place so that with co-operation all people can live without fear and lead happy lives. It will help if the people refrain from living in separation and start to work together for world peace. For our part we are with you all of the time and would welcome peaceful associations that can help speed up a coming together of all nations. We are with you to help you be successful but be patient as the changes needed cannot happen overnight.

In the meantime do your best to accept your brothers and sisters regardless of their religions, as all will eventually meet at the point of universal understanding. At present evolution is very slow but will be speeded up, when you can accept that all souls are the sons and daughters of God – you are All One. Understand that the present differences are born out of lessons giving different versions of the truth. There is only the One Truth so be assured that all souls will eventually come to accept it. So see each other as on the same path but at a different point along it.+++

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