Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Zen Biology Lesson for Enlightenment

A higher spiritual awareness of the biology of the brain & mind can significantly advance one towards Enlightenment and Zen. The science of biology says ...

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Comment by Lydia on August 11, 2010 at 4:49pm
Thanks for your Input Claude ~ Very True ~United We (Humanity) Stand, GROW and Evolve !
- Divided We (Humanity) Fall? ~ BUT

Comment by Claude on August 11, 2010 at 4:22pm
Wonderful Lydiaaaaaaaaaaa:)))
Empowering, and A Deep Reminder To All Humans,
To Master One's EGO, To Transcend The EGO
and Not Identify With Any Thought Forms

To Surrender All, To Creatorbr /> This is the Kind of Wisdom, that Humanity Needs More Of !

Techniques, Skills, Abilities,
To Assist Humanity to Wake Up NOW..
I Honor, and Commend Your Intent and Share Here.
You are Amazing Wonderful Soul and Human Being on Assignment !

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On the Deepest Level, CORE -> We (Humanity) Are All ONE...

United We (Humanity) Stand, Evolve ! - Divided We (Humanity) Fall?

Starseed Claude

SoE Visitors



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