Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Is it true that when a spirit first passes over they cannot come forward and speak to us because they need a period of a few days to examine their earth life and fully integrate?
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Comment by Besimi on September 20, 2009 at 12:23am

...nice. thanks Sweet Pixie.
Comment by star man on September 19, 2009 at 10:47pm
yea did a very nice job explaining this...kinda thought you would anyway :)...magenta is a bright star...5 stars from me
Comment by Magenta Pixie on August 31, 2009 at 5:47pm
Hi there Rene - people call me Magenta or Pixie - one girl calls me Madge and several address me as MP.....LOL so it's all fine!!

MagentaPixie xx
Comment by Rene on August 31, 2009 at 2:30pm
Hello Magneta I just realised I did not address your name properly, below I apologise for that !!! yes please share this !! you are more than welcomed! again sorry about the mix up with your name .... :-)
Comment by Magenta Pixie on August 31, 2009 at 2:06pm
Yes thankyou for sharing, that is a wonderful story. This shows the kind of experiences we can have as the connections come in and this can occur as soon as one has passed.
Often the new souls don't always talk to us as they are in this processing stage - but will show us something visual ( such as your dad winking ) what a wonderful sharing that shows the love that surrounds us from the higher realms.
Can I have permission to cross post this story over on my Ning site where I have also posted this video?


Magenta x x
Comment by Rene on August 29, 2009 at 6:40pm
Hi Pixie , I have to tell you about an experience I had when my dad passed away, this experience is as fresh and real today as it was 16 or 17 years ago.... let me explain because this must be shared!!

The day of my dads funeral I remember standing at the grave site with all the family and friends all around , and I was very broken , very sad because dad was my last living parent , as i lost my mom when i was only 16 and my sister one year before mom, and as i stood at the grave I had a thought and it felt like my spirit broke inside of me the thought was " I am an orphan to the world now" and the moment i had the thought I heard "I will not leave you as orphans"!! it was a voice internally like an imprint in my mind , but it was so clear so real that i remember looking around to see if anyone else heard it lol Nobody else flinched or moved

Driving home from the funeral I head in the same voice "Pray for your dad" same imprint internally , I get home and plop myself down in the lazy boy mentally exausted, I closed my eyes, and said to myself God if you are there please take care of my dad.... I barely got the words out of my mouth and I fell asleep ( crashed)

Then I saw a ball of light, this light was way way out in front of me, and i remember in this dream squinting to see it, and as i did this , the light got closer and closer... and closer it got the brighter it got... this light stopped right in front of me , it was absolutely brilliant!! BUT it did NOT hurt my eyes one bit to look at it

then this light just broke into a kazzillion shards of light much like a huge fireworks display, as this happened
my dad was standing there from the shoulders upwards, he smiled and then winked at me... ( winking was something he used to do to me when i was a little girl, it was sort of our little thing), then he dissipated, but he dissipated through me, and suddenly i could feel his whisker stubble , on my cheeck and smell his cologone!!
This experience went through or activated my entire soul being of senses.....and inside my stomache it felt like a jump!! like a big huge butterfly , the feeling you get when you are on a roller coaster going way up or way down fast... like a huge tickle!!! Then I was as light as a feather inside and I was filled with an awsome love and JOY!! this was the first time I felt true joy..... I then awoke and flew out of the chair!! saying to myself he is ok .... dad is ok!!!

this was years ago........ but it was like yesterday i just wanted to share that with everyone as it was such an awsome experience!!!!

:-)) Blessings Rene

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