Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Tiffany Tatum, Kauai Hawaii - Alchemy, Sound and Vibration

Sep 24, 2011
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Tiffany is a high priestess of alchemy, sound and vibration. The gift of her voice was given to her by direct transmission from the Beloved. Never having the ability to sing before it was a true miracle when the intonations of the Goddessence came through her on Cathedral Rock in Sedona AZ. She is a gifted reader of the Akashic Records and specializes in soul essence readings and Akashic clearing. Her psychic abilities are astounding. She recognizes the value of her shamanic lineage helping integrate the shadow and the light. She is a true alchemist and has a gift for piercing through the veil of illusion. Her passion for dance, music, poetry, and vibrational healing allow her to do what she loves.

Her journey of initiation began at age 30 when she followed her spirit to sacred sites around the planet. With trust of her intuition and faith in the universe, she was lead to master teachers, mystics, and healers around the world, who then activated the many gifts she has incorporated into her work. These experiences in conjunction with the activations of the land awakened the inner Goddess to reveal her souls calling. It was through the process of self love and self acceptance she was able to claim the lifetimes of soul memory and stand in the "I AM" presence of her life's purpose.

Knowing this is a true gift from God/Goddess Tiffany has a deep appreciation for the essence of all existence. She knows it is her path to be a pure conduit for the divine. She dedicates her life to serve the Goddessence with grace and ease while living her passion in joy and bliss.

She is the founder of "Gaia'a Sonic Temple" a sanctuary of the Goddess where the essence of all existence is honored.

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