Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Note on the rejected EU Constitution and Lisbon Treaty:

The people of France and the Netherlands rejected the proposed EU constitution in the 2005 referendums. After this, other countries cancelled a promised referendum and the EU Constitution was re-written as an "amending treaty" or a "reform treaty" and named "Treaty of Lisbon".

On the basis of this deceit, they claimed that no referendums are necessary on the Lisbon Treaty. Ireland was constitutionally required to hold a referendum and on the 12 June 2008 the people of Ireland gave a resounding No to Lisbon. Yet this vote is not being respected and the rule of law is being ignored. The EU leaders agreed at the June 19-20 EU Summit that ratifications must go on. Moreover, no other government is asking the people.

The Lisbon Treaty establishes a new "European Union" with joint citizenship - an EU "federal" State that is technically and politically empowered to centralize more power in Brussels. The treaty also stipulates the militarisation of the Union in order to 'police the world' just like the US does today.

To view the Political Groups in the European Parliament go to:

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Comment by Besimi on July 6, 2009 at 6:03pm
Yep ! European leaders are working toward Totalitarian state/fascism . I hope european people wake up to this understanding as soon as possible. ...Economic crises are designed for this purpose,deceiving people as it is for an economic betterment of living conditions.
....making also many other smaller countries to ask for joining EU. I know in Albania ,albanian politicians who are for EU getting so much money from Europe to win their election. a mess.
................................................................thanx Christina. Namaste,love.

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