Saviors Of Earth

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What is NATO for ???

In this video Agneta Norberg (Swedish Peace Council) summarizes the global NATO situation using the map of the world.
NATO network of thousands of bases with nuclear weapons and nuclear submarines,operated by brainwashed mercenary soldiers of all nations who will fight if paid.
Bases in Norway, Diego GArcia, Alaska, Colombia. Even advanced technology for Space Wars...

Agneta recommends the book of Catherine Lutz - The Basis of Empire.
You may see inside it on:

Who is the enemy ? Why hasnยดt NATO been abolished as it happened to the Warsaw pact forces after the World War II ?
NATO is used to be the Nuclear Weapon Power and it assumes it to be natural to follow the right of the first strike policy".
These are the lines from the Swedish peace ambassador Agneta Norbergยดs previous talks.

Scandinavia - from neutrality to NATO
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In 1994 Sweden joined Partnership for Peace. Sweden has been neutral for 200 years.
But now, without debate or information to the Swedish people, or in the Swedish Parliament.
Sweden has come so far in cooperation with US/NATO, that few would notice the difference, if the government signed the NATO-membership .

This was obvious in Summer 2009 when one of the biggest war games was held in the Northern Sweden under NATO command.
Last summer the arrogance was even more blunt.
US Air Force was allowed to train bomb dropping at Lomben training area outside the city of Kalix in Norrbotten.
In fact Sweden has become an aggressor on US / NATO's side.
This raises concern against whom are we prepared to use our military force?

Today there are more than 1,000 U.S. military bases dotting the globe.
To be specific, the most accurate count is 1,077...
Unless it's 1,088 , Or if you count differently, 1,169 Or even 1,180.
Actually, the number might even be higher. Nobody knows for sure.

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