Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Positive Timeline with Dr. Sam Mugzzi, Alfred Webre and Mary Rodwell! Oct. 15, 2014

Oct 28, 2014

Exciting show with Alfred Webre and Mary Rodwell! This is a special show to discuss how the positive timeline works and what you can do to start creating a better reality. In addition to information from the frienldy ET's and what is instore for our future.

Here is the formula:

Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness!

Alfred is going to shed some light on how to make postive decisions for yourself and learn how to steer away from systems of negativity.

Mary Rodwell is an experienced speaker, and invetigor of ET communications.

Mary, ACERN is a resource and support network for all those with Close Encounter experience.
ACERN is a professional organisation and as such, has several professionals available as a resource, offering information, counselling and therapy.

Come and join us in creating this instructional "how to" video, that will shed some light on how to manifest your "happily ever after". It's a one of a kind show and you are invited!

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