The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Mar 24, 2011
Night 1 ~ Entering the Universal Underworld
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From March 26th to April 12th we enter into Night 1 of the Universal Underworld, assimilating on the inner planes the frequencies of Light spiralling forth from the Company of Heaven with a focus on the third ray of Divine Intelligence. We are offered an opportunity to enter into the Crystalline City of Light above Uluru in Australia and Overlighting by the Ascended Masters, Ray Councils of Light, Christed ET's, and the Brotherhood of the Light, experience an initiation of Light that will collectively take our service work to another level of wisdom and knowingness through connecting more deeply into the infinite and eternal mind of Mother/Father God. We further have the opportunity to let go of "lesser-than-and better than" consciousness as well as assist in shifting the distorted templating of current economic and financial structures holding the financial reins of power as we recognize the Divine Equality of all Life and the need for shared resources through this vibrant yellow flame of Light and the Unified Hologram of Love,
Invocation to Night 1 ~ Entering the Universal Underworld
I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,
the Ascended Masters, Mighty Elohim, Archangels and Angels,
Christed ET's and Brotherhood of the Light,
and all other Beings of Light that I personally acknowledge,
as I now merge with my I Am Presence.
I now ask to be taken into the Crystalline City about Uluru so I may undergo my initiation of Light connecting into the Mind of God and the frequency of Love.
I am now taken in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light,
surrounded in a vibrant yellow flame of Light,
to the doorway of this Crystalline City of Light.
I am now greeted by three High Priests to the Order of Melchizedek,
Requesting permission to enter into this City of Light.
"I greet you as a child of the Light and ask that I may enter into this Crystalline City of Light,
so I may further my service work as an Ambassador of Light to God and all Life."
The doors are now opened, and I am greeted by my family and friends of the Light
as I am taken into an Initiation Chamber of Light.
Surrounded by the Company of Heaven, and this vibrant yellow flame of Light,
I now link my mind and heart into the Mind and Heart of Mother/Father God,
receiving the keycode templates of Light that will take me into a deeper level of wisdom and
Love as I align my will with the Divine Will of Mother/Father God.
As I now merge with my I Am Presence,
and activate the I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light within my body, energy field and hologram to receive these keycodes and downloads of Light, I now recite:
"Through this vibrant yellow flame of Light and through the third ray of Divine Intelligence,
I ask to release any lesser-than or better-than consciousness issues I may still have,
as I recognize the Divine Equality of all Life, through the knowingness that it is only the levels of Cosmic Consciousness awareness that differs from individual to individual.
Through this reflection of wisdom and Love,
I ask to receive the highest levels of knowingness available to me at this time,
to further assist in creating and affecting change within the current financial and economic institutes on this earth plane,
as well as creating a matrix of Divine abundance for all Life on this earth plane".
As a wisdom keeper of knowledge and Light,
Thank You Besimi ~ Blessings ~This video now seem to be removed ~ Will rePost it hope this one works :)
ยฉ 2025 Created by Besimi.
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