Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Dr. Jack Pruett The Grandest Deception ~ 2011 Radio Interview

Dec 19, 2011

The Grandest Deception [2011] Radio Interview conducted by Mark Snider from Ohio Exopolitics -- Dr. Jack Pruett talks on various topics including: Religion & Education system, Anunnaki, government involvement.

The VSC Project Opinion: Dr. Pruett may be correct in his assumptions and theories. Enlil is the malicious one that created what is now religion to control us, Enki is the one assisting mankind in his evolution, and Enlil, King Anu, and the royal hierarchy of Nibiru, may be behind what Dr. Pruett is speaking about. Enki, the Master Genesis Scientist who created our physical body, and was responsible in re-creating Earth, previously called Tiamat, is the individual who is behind assisting us in evolving by giving us what some call "the knowledge of the Gods." Enki began this process through what he called "The Order of the Brotherhood of the Snakes." This order is the original mystery school prior to Enlil infiltrating and corrupting the order, which now the results of this corruption are seen in groups within the various secret societies, i.e., Rosicrucians, Freemasons, etc.

Go to and read "The Terra Papers" and "The Discourse to the Terra Papers" for more information on the Anunnaki and the origins of our beginnings.

As with any new information being presented, use awareness and intuition and don't accept someone else's truth as your truth until you have verified and validated the information personally. Don't focus on fear because our focus determines our reality.

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