The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Power vs Force: the hidden determinants of human behaviour; David R. Hawkins, M.D. P.H.D.
Joy: (540)
As Love becomes more and more unconditional, it begins to be experienced as inner Joy.
Joy arises from within each moment of existence, rather than from any other source;
540 is also the level of healing and of spiritually based self-help groups.
From level 540 up is the domain of saints,
and advanced spiritual students and healers.
A capacity for enormous patience and the persistence of a positive attitude,
in the face of prolonged adversity is characteristic of this energy field;
the hallmark of this state is compassion.
People who have attained this level have a notable effect on others.
They’re capable of a prolonged, open gaze,
which induces a state of love and peace.
At the high 500s, the world one sees is illuminated by the exquisite beauty and perfection of creation.
Everything happens effortlessly and by synchronicity.
A Presence is felt whose power facilitates phenomena outside conventional expectations of reality,
termed miraculous by the ordinary observer.
Near-death experiences, characteristically transformative in their effect,
have frequently allowed people to experience the energy level between 540 and 600.
Peace: (600)
This energy field is associated with the experience designated by such terms as transcendence,
self-realization, and God-consciousness.
It’s extremely rare, attained by only 1 in 10 million people.
When this state is reached, the distinction between subject and object disappears,
and there’s no specific focal point of perception.
Perception at the level of 600 and above is sometimes reported as
occurring in slow motion, suspended in time and space –
nothing is stationary, and all is alive and radiant.
Although this world is the same as the one seen by others,
it has become continuously flowing, evolving in an exquisitely coordinated evolutionary dance,
in which significance and source are overwhelming.
This awesome revelation takes place nonrationally,
so that there is an infinite silence in the mind, which has stopped conceptualizing.
That which is witnessing and that which is witnessed take on the same identity;
the observer dissolves into the landscape and becomes equally the observed.
Great works of art, music, and architecture that calibrate between 600 and 700
can transport us temporarily to higher levels of consciousness,
and are universally recognized as inspirational and timeless.
Enlightenment: (700 – 1,000)
This is the level of the Great Ones of history who originated the spiritual patterns,
that countless people have followed throughout the ages.
This is the level of powerful inspiration;
these beings set in place attractor energy fields that influence all of mankind.
At this level there is no longer the experience
of an individual personal self separate from others; rather,
there is an identification of Self with Consciousness and Divinity.
This is the peak of the evolutionary consciousness in the human realm.
At this level there is no longer any identification with the physic
al body as “me”, and therefore, its fate is of no concern.
The body is seen as merely a tool of consciousness through the intervention of mind,
its prime value that of communication.
This is the level of nonduality, or complete Oneness.
The highest level attained by anybody who has lived in recorded history – to wit,
the Great Avatars for whom the title “Lord” is appropriate:
Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, and Lord Jesus Christ.
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