Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Coast to Coast AM 8/29/11 - Richard C. Hoagland on Comet Elenin Part 2 of 6 and Hopi Prophecy

Aug 31, 2011

C2C science advisor Richard C. Hoagland shared updates on Comet Elenin and the International Space Station (ISS). "I smell a big political rat," he said, in reaction to a recent report that the ISS could be abandoned. "I think NASA wants to have an empty space station up there," controlled robotically for a certain period of time, he conjectured, adding that without astronauts there to conduct maintenance, the station could fall apart.

When Comet Elenin reaches its closest point to Earth (22 million miles), it will pose no danger to us, yet because of various "hyperdimensional" measurements and parameters, Hoagland has concluded that it has a specifically designed trajectory. It's an artificial object sent by an intelligence, possibly as a kind of time capsule by our ancestors, he argued. It also appears to have a tetrahedral shape (see article below), which suggests it's an actual ship with generators, computers, and controls, he continued

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Comment by Lydia on September 2, 2011 at 5:34pm
LOL...I always get a bit scared when I hear strange noises like like ~ but Thanks Patrick :)
Comment by patrick on September 2, 2011 at 5:29pm

The voice of a strange old man from Elenin ? Skip to the end of the vid to hear it.

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