Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Awakened Heart Alert: Alex Blach, New Human New Earth

Retired Air Force Officers to break their silence in Monday Press Conference
Sept 27, 2010
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Comment by Wade Hutchinson on September 28, 2010 at 3:15am
I want to touch on what one of these gentle men said during the ufo press conference. " The government is unlikely to come out and disclose the reality that the extraterrestrial presence is real." The reason is they have nothing to gain and a whole lot to lose. In my opinion disclosure is happening for the people and by the people, this is it we don't need those lunatics in the White house to tell us what is real and what's not. Either way the extraterrestrials are here right now and they will soon reveal themselves with or without government. The conclusion of the year 2010 and into the year 2011 will be special. This is it, hold on to your hats because this is gonna be one heck of a show !
Comment by Alex of New Human New Earth on September 28, 2010 at 1:20am
From Sananda: through Mark Stearn

Greetings glorious wayfarers of the path,

Many of you are now at the point where you no longer need to read information from outside sources since you are now becoming finely tuned to receiving your own. This is a great step forward and this has taken much releasing, letting go on a personal and collective level. There are many of you that speak of first contact and since each has their own important unfolding of their path there is no one definitive path or earth time for first contact to finally occur.

In the fifth dimension time is no more. Many light servers build their expectations around first contact and are thus disappointed when these expectations are not met. It has never been a busier time than it is now as we your friends prepare the earth and the mass consciousness for a new time and creating a new world where peace settles permanently. There is a way to go yet. First contact does occur. This is transpiring at a timeline in your imagined future.

There are many probabilities that are spoken about in channelled material that is out there. We would say to you put your hand on your heart and ask yourself what set of circumstances resonate in your being as probable and likely. We live in a multiverse and there are countless realities bridging with one another all the time. Our approach with first contact is to be assured that humanity are ready to experience our presence when we do finally reveal ourselves.

First contact is a diverse subject with many probabilities. There is so much playing out currently on your beautiful blue orb. Evacuations are possible in a dramatic unfolding of earth events however for now we look forward to making ourselves known to you all in a manner that is comfortable for one and all. For many at this time first contact would appear most frightening. We always take the full scenario into account before any final decisions are made regarding your world.

First contact has already occurred where the new earth is strongly merging with existing earth. It is going to require quite a shaking up of this world to shift this planet beyond its current destructive state. Your lightservers are doing all that they can and each focus from an awakened heart alters the course for this world infinitely and always. Be with the moment and ask your own heart when do you feel this great event is due to occur. There is much information out there right now and it is most important to be discerning.

We your friends love you beyond measure. You are all making great strides as you move ever closer to the land of the new earth. Right now the situation with the planet earth is rocky and this is simply paving the way for what is soon to come. We will keep you all informed of what you can expect to occur in the coming time. My thanks for your attention and I will speak again very soon.

With all my love,


Blessings, Mark.

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