Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

11:11 Lightning 11:11
  • Male
  • Acworth, GA
  • United States
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  • J'Tariah EnRa El
  • Maricel Piercey
  • sally kniffen
  • Will
  • simpleman
  • Woken2012

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11:11 Lightning 11:11's Blog

Christmas Tree and the Mushroom Cult

Posted on December 22, 2009 at 9:41am 0 Comments

by Glenn Bullock


The traditional aspects of the Christmas tree of today come mainly from Germanic and Scandinavian origins. Christmas as we've come to know it is like other Christian festivals, a mixture of traditions brought together from a variety of backgrounds to satisfy all under Rome !

Those various traditions each had their own enlightenment rituals which became symbolized; over time we've forgotten the meaning of the symbols,… Continue

Exciting Times :)

Posted on December 7, 2009 at 10:22pm 7 Comments

Exciting Times

In recent days I have spent much time in thought over the current “state of affairs” on our beloved planet. I feel a great shift taking place from deep within. My consciousness is expanding outward and connecting with the higher frequencies broadcast by my loving brothers and sisters in light. With all of the turmoil and dark energy that surrounds me, I find peace and harmony simply in the understanding that I am of the light and that I have the power and… Continue

Pulled this off Yahoo news this morning. This is insane!!!!

Posted on November 2, 2009 at 7:59am 5 Comments

Thinking negatively can boost your memory, study finds

SYDNEY (Reuters Life!) – Bad moods can actually be good for you, with an Australian study finding that being sad makes people less gullible, improves their ability to judge others and also boosts memory.

The study, authored by psychology professor Joseph Forgas at the University of New South Wales, showed that people in a negative mood were more critical of, and paid more attention to, their surroundings than happier… Continue


Posted on October 1, 2009 at 9:39am 3 Comments

*****This is an important message to the sheeple of North America*****

*****Please do not attempt to think for yourselves*****

*****We have done the thinking for you*****

The CONTRAILS that you see in the sky above head are normal!!!!! This is just frozen water. Please stop wasting time on the internet with conspiracy theories and turn on the TV or go shopping!!!!

The fluoride in your water is there to keep your teeth white and has no harmful effects… Continue

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At 6:01pm on February 18, 2019, Venus E. Rose said…

I hope you're having a great day! Normally I send friend requests, but for some reason on this site my Add as Friend link is not working. On my page there are blog posts that explain how to evolve consciousness and achieve new psychic states - such as overcoming all emotional pain forever - a psychic state called Immunity.

At 10:46am on November 11, 2009, Siril0 gave 11:11 Lightning 11:11 a gift
At 7:42pm on November 2, 2009, simpleman said…
You are welcome, 11. I'm glad I could help.

Peace to you, brother.
Love and Wisdom
At 11:03pm on September 4, 2009, sally kniffen said…
so right, so true.
At 5:06pm on September 2, 2009, Besimi said…

Hey Alan :):):) Lovely brother.Welcome Home to Lightworkers. A beautiful place
for open-minded people of Love & Light. Namaste and Enjoy .
At 5:02pm on September 2, 2009, Besimi said…

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