Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

You're going to see riots in the streets, burnings of cities. You're going to see people getting diseases, sicknesses,

As you were standing behind the short wall watching the poison of power make its way across the Earth; as you see the assassination of European leaders in the very near future; as you see major Earth shifts, the earthquakes that have been predicted for a long time – they are going to happen, Shaumbra, before your eyes – understand it is the loss of power.

This isn't because people have been evil. Humans – humans are good. Humans have hearts. Humans are filled with love and hope, but a few have tried to take it away and it won't work anymore. A few are trying to hold back a transition into a new consciousness where power is not needed or wanted. They're trying to hold on and it will be their undoing.

You're going to see riots in the streets, burnings of cities. You're going to see people getting diseases, sicknesses, that spread far too fast for modern science to catch up with it. You're going to see some dark days, and it's not the end of the world. Time to Be Who You Are

I'm going to ask each one of you to remember to trust yourself, to understand that you don't need power, that you don't need that old energy. I'm going to ask each one of you to stand up and be the messenger that you are. You've endured many hard years of your own preparation for exactly the time we are living in. You are the ones who they are going to come to for listening. Listening. They'll need somebody that will just listen to them – not spewing out rhetoric, not performing any certain type of rituals or crystal healings or any of the rest of that. They're going to need a listener.

They're going to need somebody to help them to breathe because, as Tobias has said before, they're going to be in a state of shock. They are going to think they are living in an apocalyptic time. It will feel that way for many. But again, mark my words here, I'm not predicting the end of the world, I'm predicting grand changes and I'm predicting the dissolving of power.

You're going to have experiences that are going to be a bit frightening where the literal power – your electricity – goes out, not just in one small city, but across an entire country or countries. And you're going to wonder what is happening because, you see, your world is set up on a literal power grid fed by things like nuclear and coal and other resources. But you have a powered Earth so you're also going to see collapses of some of the power grids that you have. Oh, they'll be restored after a period of time, but they will go out in a very unusual and mysterious way in different parts of the world.

And I want every one of you to stop at that point, and if you blame it on the aliens (laughter), I'm going to have to have a long talk. I'm going to send you back to spiritual kindergarten. (Linda says, "Spiritual kindergarten? !" audience laughs)

Shaumbra, you're going to see things that you have never seen before, and it doesn't have to affect you. It doesn't have to throw you off. Actually, it really can't, because you've let go of power. You've come back to you, the Source, the God within. You've gotten yourself off of the grid, so to speak, the grid of Old Energy human consciousness. Remember we had to tear some of you off the grid about three years ago! Let go of that grid of human consciousness, even the grid of spiritual consciousness, because you are your own grid. So while you're going to see these things around you, they are not going to affect you because you're not holding onto power like others in the world are right now.

Speaking of happenings, you're going to see what many will term visitations – lights in the sky – very unusual patterns, the likes of which have not been seen before. These are not the aliens. These are the new consciousnesses of humanity coming in. They will be perceived as lights in the sky, not just at night, but during the day. They'll be perceived as very interesting shifts, mostly as light energy, but as other types of energy as well. Some will interpret this through the mind and the eyes as alien beings, but it's your New Energy, your divinity and the new consciousness of humanity coming in. Don't go back to the old power ways of giving yourself just to the aliens.

You are the messengers. You are the ones you've been waiting for.

Indeed, there will be the consciousness of dimensions, of planets, of other places that are coming in to watch and observe, but they're not coming in to rescue. They're not coming in with the answers, because you have it. You will feel the energy of spiritual families. You will feel the energies of the new Earth and the many other new Earths that are starting to form, and the energies of the incoming Crystals and the new ones as they get closer and closer to Earth. They are able to get closer because the veil is thinner. They will get closer also in the times of drama and change, but remember they are not the ones sent here to save you.

You don't need a savior. You are the ones you've been waiting for.

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Comment by jose v on February 12, 2009 at 8:08pm
I love saint germain good man he is
Comment by jose v on February 12, 2009 at 8:04pm
people this are a not my words , are SAINT GERMAIN . I only the mesenger this post was on Saint Germain Message Nov 22/08 on this site long post , I only brake copy paste , look very real to me , don't panic
don,t panic
relax ..
love and saint germain to all
oH! ( the crinsom )
Comment by H.R. Pufnstuf on February 12, 2009 at 7:06pm
What do you mean d-day? Why don't you like this site?
Comment by GW aka AlienProbe on February 12, 2009 at 2:22pm
You Are So Very Right My Brother A Very Great Post ~ !!
There Will Be Screaming And A Terrible Cry In The Days To Come
But Only For Those That Refuse Change And That Won't Let Go Material Thing's
It won't Be Held Back All That Hold True To Themselves Will See That The Changes Are For A Reason ~ !!!!!
And Love Is A Very Powerful Force To Be Reconded With ~ !!!!
We Must Not Fear Change We Must Embrace It ~ !!!
I Wish All My Familys Out There Peace & Love ~ !!
Comment by Debbie Kerlin on February 12, 2009 at 8:45am
Great post,This is all we all need to do is just learn to let go.The only thing important in this world is love and light,all we have ever needed.Love for family,friends,our brothers and sisters across this land.
Comment by Kihanyaking on February 12, 2009 at 12:22am
This is the sort of stuff the saviours of earth was meant to house...great post bro.
Comment by RL on February 11, 2009 at 11:20pm
thanks for reminding me to stock up my candles and lighters. haha

spiritual kindergarten is kinda true. there were many times i was cast back into spiritual primary school in my dreams, and everyone else knew how to do their sums except me! gee. hahah

when the time comes, and if we dont have electricity, how are we gonna communicate with the rest of the saviors/lightworkers? or will it be unnecessary since we will go on autopilot?

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