Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

How come you can't move objects without touching them much like I do?

You are the messengers, not the ones in flying saucers, not some leader who you think is going to rise up from the ranks, come to save this planet Earth. You are the messengers. I want you to breathe that in.

I want you to remember who you are, why you were in the temples in Atlantis, why you were back in old Egypt, why you were back in the time of Yeshua, why, by no coincidence at all, you have shown up time and time again at the most dramatic and poignant and important moments in the history of this planet. But a history that goes beyond just the planet, a history right now that is having an effect on the thousand and more new Earths that are waiting to start, that are in formation in the other realms, but they are like mirrors of this physical Earth, the original Earth, and they are waiting.

In the heavens where your spiritual families exist, they are waiting right now, taking a deep breath, sending you their deepest love, for you are their messenger as well. You didn't necessarily come here to Earth to take some high profile political position or to be some baron of some multibillion dollar enterprise, or to be some rock star up on stage, because you learned in past lives those are difficult roles for the true messengers to play. It's too easy to get caught up in the power, to get overwhelmed by all those energies being directed at you.

As messengers who've come across time and space, you're the ones who are here on quiet levels, on the everyday levels, but on very expanded levels to bring the message to the rest of humanity; to bring the vision of the future; to bring the hope of the new way, and that is why you are here.

You doubt it so often. You wonder if this was so true how come you weren't powerful? How come you couldn't do all these grand things that would impress friends, relatives and other humans? How come you don't have this clear clairvoyance? How come you can't predict the future? How come you can't move objects without touching them much like I do?

You have put that away, at least for the time being. It would have been a distraction. It would have caused you to focus on something that would have eventually been your own poison.

But dear friends, you – I look at those sitting here, I look at you who are coming across space on the Internet and those who will listen to and view this later – if you are hearing my words or reading these words, if you are touched by the energy of this group known as Shaumbra, you are the messengers and you come here now.

Views: 32


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Comment by RL on February 13, 2009 at 4:12am
i have tried to hear myself deep within..
somehow i think you are right
Comment by jose v on February 12, 2009 at 12:53pm
You have put that away, at least for the time being. It would have been a distraction. It would have caused you to focus on something that would have eventually been your own poison.
Comment by Kihanyaking on February 12, 2009 at 5:25am
I must have been a very brave guy on the other side...if I am where I am because I chose to be here at this time, doing what am doin now. Sheeeeeeesh, why couldn't I have given myself some small power like flying around, right about now??? Oh I forgot, I must have been very brave. Yea that's it.
Comment by jose v on February 12, 2009 at 2:59am
You have put that away, at least for the time being
Comment by RL on February 12, 2009 at 2:32am
im sooo sad :( boohoo
but i can twist spoons!
Comment by RL on February 12, 2009 at 2:29am
gee, so that means i can give up my dreams of making it big someday?

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