Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Your Current Dominant Brainwave Patterns<<<</body>

Benefits Of Increasing Gamma Brainwaves:

  • High-level information processing
  • Boosted memory
  • Enhanced perception of reality
  • Increased compassion
  • Natural antidepressant
  • Advanced learning ability
  • Intelligence (I.Q.) Increase
  • Positive thoughts
  • Higher energy levels
  • High level of focus
  • Improved perception / consciousness

What Are Gamma Brainwaves?

Gamma brainwaves are considered the brain’s optimal frequency of functioning.
Gamma brainwaves are commonly associated with increased levels of compassion,
feelings of happiness, and optimal brain functioning.
Gamma brainwaves are associated with a conscious awareness of reality
and increased mental abilities.
Gamma brainwaves range from the frequency of 38 Hz - 70 Hz
and have a tiny (virtually unnoticeable) amplitude.

Benefits Of Increasing Beta Brainwaves:

  • Ability to think quickly
  • More energy
  • Being more social
  • Feeling excited
  • Goal oriented
  • Peak-performance
  • Highest levels of focus
  • Write easily and quickly
  • Increase in I.Q.

What Are Beta Brainwaves?

Beta brainwaves are considered a fast brainwave activity.
Beta brainwaves are brainwaves that cycle within the range of 12 – 38 Hz.
Beta is generally thought of as a “normal” rhythm,
and is dominant in people who are alert, anxious, or have their eyes open.
Beta brainwaves are considered to be the normal brainwave pattern in healthy adults.

Benefits of Increasing Alpha Brainwaves:
• Higher levels of creativity
• Relaxed body and mind
• Peak-performance
• Improved ability to problem-solve
• Balanced mood (emotional stability)
• Lowered levels of stress and anxiety
• Flow state of consciousness
• “Super learning” ability
• Boosted immune system
• Positive thinking
• Increased levels of “serotonin”
• Deep self-introspection
What are Alpha Brainwaves?
Alpha brainwaves characterize a state of being awake but deeply relaxed,
and not processing any information.

The brain almost immediately starts producing a lot of Alpha
upon eyes closed relaxation.

This is the mental state you are in early in the morning or while daydreaming.
This state enhances the vividness of visualization techniques,
and also makes the mind more receptive to suggestion.

Alpha brainwaves are considered relaxed brainwave activity.
Alpha brainwaves are brainwaves that cycle within the range of 8 – 12 Hz.
Alpha brainwaves kick in when our mind and body are completely relaxed a
nd free of stress.

Alpha is generally thought of as the normal brainwave that is dominant in people
who are relaxed, creative, and have a clear mind.

Alpha is considered the “normal” brainwave pattern and is dominant
when people close their eyes.

Children tend to have much higher levels of alpha brainwaves than adults.
Alpha brainwaves are considered the healthiest brainwave range and 10 Hz
has widely been accepted as the “safest” brainwave frequency to train.

Benefits Of Increasing Theta Brainwaves:

  • Deep levels of relaxation
  • Emotional connection
  • Advanced intuition
  • Subconscious connection
  • Peak levels of creativity
  • Advanced problem solving skills
  • Lower anxiety, stress, and neurosis
  • Learning a new language
  • Bridges the spiritual connection
  • Ability to program subconscious mind
  • Paranormal Experiences
  • Boost in learning ability
  • Boosted immune system
  • Improved long-term memory
  • Ability to hyperfocus
  • Healing of body and mind

What Are Theta Brainwaves?
Theta brainwaves are considered extremely relaxing brainwave activity
that is commonly associated with sleep and dreaming.
Theta brainwaves are high in amplitude and cycle within the range of 4 – 8 Hz.
Theta brainwaves kick in when we feel emotional, relaxed,
daydreamy, unfocused, or are asleep.
Theta brainwaves are generally thought of as the brainwaves that are dominant
in people with A.D.D., high levels of relaxation,
high levels of creativity, and random thinking.
The theta brainwave is considered the brainwave pattern
that is dominant in deeply relaxed, dream sleep.
Benefits of Increasing Delta Brainwaves:
  • Healing the mind and body
  • Slowing down the aging process
  • Reduced production of the stress hormone Cortisol
  • Boosted intuition and psychic skills
  • Extreme Empathy
  • Deep Relaxation
  • Superb Intuition
  • Spiritual Connection
  • Intense Bliss
  • Anti-Aging Effect
  • Boosted Immune System
What are Delta Brainwaves?
Delta brainwaves are the slowest of all your brainwaves.
They usually fall within the frequency range of 0 - 4 Hz.
Unlike theta brainwaves, which are commonly associated with the “subconscious mind”

delta brainwaves are associated with the “unconscious mind.”
Delta brainwaves have long been linked to stages 3 and 4 of sleep.

The delta brainwave range is considered the lowest brainwave frequency.
A decreased sense of awareness, increased empathy,
and access to the “unconscious mind” are common.

It is extremely rare to have conscious awareness of delta brainwaves.
Only certain highly spiritual individuals, gurus, yogis, monks,
and avid meditators usually are able to consciously access this brainwave range.

Being in delta is like being in the most deeply relaxing trance
or non-physical awareness.

Usually, when individuals are asleep in the delta range,
their other brainwave patterns shut down and delta takes over.

If you’ve ever woken up and felt irritable, unconscious, confused,
or disorientated, you likely woke up during your delta stage of sleep

Starseed Claude

Views: 22


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Comment by Claude on December 18, 2010 at 6:56pm

Thank You for your Thoughts !  :)


Our Dominant Brainwave Pattern is So Important ! Your Neural Net..



Comment by Gerd Ambranovic on December 18, 2010 at 6:31am

nice read, thank you :-)

SoE Visitors



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