Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

ALPHA WAVES (7-14 cycles per second) & BETA WAVES (15 to 40 cycles per second)

BETA WAVES (15 to 40 cycles per second)


When the brain is aroused and active, it produces beta waves.
These beta waves are of low amplitude and are the fastest of the four brainwaves.

Beta waves are characteristics of an active mind.
They are present when one is fully engaged, aware, concentrating,
thinking logically and in active conversation.

A person making a speech or teaching would be in beta.
On the negative side, these brainwaves predominate during times of stress
and with feelings of paranoia, worry, fear, and anxiety.

 They are also present with hunger, depression, irritability, and moodiness.
Insomnia is believed to be the result of producing excessive beta brainwaves.

Beta waves are also associated with excessive inner chatter and self-destructive impulses.
It has been shown that too much time in the beta state weakens the immune system

Where beta waves represented arousal, alpha waves represent less arousal.
Alpha brainwaves are slower and higher in amplitude.


ALPHA WAVES (7-14 cycles per second)

The Alpha Rhythm is most evident when one is awake, with eyes closed and relaxed.

Alpha waves are characterized by relaxed wakefulness where creative thought
and the behavioral efficiency of routine behaviors are optimal.


A person who takes time to reflect or meditate is usually in an alpha state.
The alpha rhythm decreases or disappears when one is mentally concentrating,
physically moving or becoming apprehensive.


Some researchers have hypothesized the alpha rhythm
to be a possible physiological correlate of the hypnotic state.


They have found evidence of hypnotic susceptibility
being positively correlated with higher levels of waking alpha production.

There are differences in the alpha rhythm during meditation as well.

As one Meditates, The Alpha Waves Gradually Spread from the occipital to the frontal areas of the brain.

During the second stage of meditation,
theta waves appear and move from frontal to posterior parts of the brain.

A third stage, which is seen in only the most experienced meditator,
is characterized by more beta waves, which are present over most of the scalp.



Starseed Claude

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