Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

You Have Control of your Life, Divinity, and Joy Message from Kryon Through Lee Carroll

You Have Control of your Life, Divinity, and Joy
Message from Kryon
Through Lee Carroll

It is difficult for me to express to you what it is to love a Human Being from the other side of the veil. We don’t see you in your skin, Dear Ones. We’ve said before that we see you completely as a magnificent Soul. We see all of your lives.

We see the purposes you have come for, what you’re going through, your requests, and your struggles. Much of the struggle that we see is due to something that you have created called the veil.

Some have said, “If there were no veil, we would be better off. We would see things, and we’d understand our divinity.”

There are some of you who would like to take the veil and paste it upon you to such a degree that you don’t feel a separation.

There are those who have done that, and that’s called mastery. There truly is no veil for them, and they don’t disappear in a flash or go into the skies or the heavens.

They just become Human Beings that you’d like to be with, because they are loving and compassionate. You might even call them a new super Soul...+

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