Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Divine Feminine is Set Free By Judith Kusel

The Divine Feminine is Set Free
By Judith Kusel

As I went through an intense flu since Thursday last week, this was a deeper purging, and this was confirmed by my dear friend Corrie, who is a healer. It literally felt like a harness, some kind of cage-like structure which was enveloping me.

I did a lot of cleansing and clearing, again going deeper and deeper, and thus also looking for the root of this, and why it was there, but at the same time, as I always do, looking where this was reflected in humanity, as I often not only do the clearing for myself, but for the rest of humanity – as we all do, at some level.

Then, I was shown the following:

I was shown how the Divine Feminine was literally caged, especially around the heart area, throat and third eye, which was most feared within her: Her own immense intuitive powers, the heart centered and feeling center which is so powerful, and when filled with the Power of Love, is truly invincible, plus her ability to express her powers, through the use of Words/Sound of Power, which the Divine Feminine holds, with the All Seeing Eye, the Single Eye. Thus, Patriarchy was trying to cage her, to shut down her power base and more than this, to make out of her a second class citizen, subjected to man. In other words, he did not wish to have her as an equal – but at heel, where he could dictate what she should do, look like and be like...+

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