Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

You all dearly desire to honor and love God

You all dearly desire to honor and love God

A Message from Jesus (Isa/Yeshua) 

Through John Smallman

Posted April 10, 2022



Lovewards is the way forward.  You all know that Love is the only Reality, the only way that relationships can grow and evolve, and you all want Love in your lives.  But you often do not trust yourselves, mainly because of traumas experienced in childhood, or traumas from past lives as humans, and that lack of trust shows up in yourselves as guilt, shame, unworthiness, and other invalid beliefs you cling to as a result, and then you indulge in further meaningless negative self-assessments as you compare yourselves to others.
You are all perfect divine beings because you are all the beloved children of God who created you as eternally perfect expressions of consciousness, of Himself!  All conscious sentient beings who exist were created by Mother/Father/God and are eternally present as the most beautiful and harmonious aspects of the One, and are never for even the briefest of moments separated from that One.  You are Love, and you are Loved – Now and Always....>>>

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