Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

How to Keep your Sh*t Together During The Great Awakening: A Handy Guide

How to Keep your Sh*t Together During The Great Awakening: A Handy Guide

By Don Spectacularis

Posted April 11, 2022

The Great Awakening is well upon us all now, and it pays to know some of the truly handy tricks of the trade that can help and assist you all in keeping your mental, as well as emotional wellbeing, composure and stability during these greatly challenging times. So, and without any further ado, here goes nothing!
So the short and simple self reset technique that I'm about to give you all is a truly simple, practical and highly portable SELF-HYPNOSIS technique:
Here's how it's done: First, choose a positive emotion or feeling of your liking. Such as Love, Joy, Calmness, Bliss, Gratitude, Vitality, Radiance, Energy, Fun, Ecstasy, or, my own personal (and highly recommended) all time favourite ---> PEACE.
For this particular example, we'll take the example of Peace. However, the exact same technique that I'm about to show you all in here can be used for magically conjuring up absolutely any positive feeling, emotion, or energy of your choice or liking AT WILL, ON COMMAND, and ON DEMAND, and 24x7x366 at that. And, just in case, you too, for some reason, find tapping into positive feelings and emotions as being somewhat tricky, then you can just use the exact same technique (that I'm about to describe to you below) to tap into the feeling of being or balanced here as well....>>>

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