Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

YES! The Magic Sliding Scale Bridge Into Sovereignty Is Extended Through April!

YES! The Magic Sliding Scale Bridge Into Sovereignty Is Extended Through April!


“Can I please use The Magic Sliding Scale Bridge Into Sovereignty to schedule a private session, even though I didn’t activate it before the end of March?”

That is the question I’ve been hearing every day for the past week! I know, we’re used to thinking we can muddle our way through in the same old way… because we had to.  We’re so used to “working hard” for our own happiness that it just feels”normal.” Until it isn’t. Then, not only does it not “work,” but it doesn’t even feel “normal” anymore. That’s when our inner Dorothy says “Toto,”(he’s in there too) “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.” And that’s what happened to many of you, once we entered the high, fast, frequencies of April.

And that is a very good thing, so hurray for you! So WHAT if you didn’t realize what was happening until it happened? The kind of radical paradigm shift we are going through right NOW has never been done before, remember, not only on this planet, but in our entire universe! It is one thing to know how energy works. It is quite another to learn how to work with energy. We have to feel our way into that sort of mastery… and as humans on this particular planet in this particular paradigm shift, we have a whole lot to feel our way through!

The universe knows that… we are beings of frequency, after all! We are interconnected through the very fabric of our universe… and that isn’t just some “woo-woo metaphysical idea,” either. It’s PHYSICS. Metaphysics is quantum physics. Frequencies are quantum waves and particles… get the picture? It’ll be good to get that picture as soon as possible, I’d say, in order to BE who you are, WHERE you are NOW.

So hurray for you for asking for what you need, because you were heard… by me and by the cosmos, itself. And you got it!

The answer is YES.
The Magic Sliding Scale Bridge Into Sovereignty has been extended for first time users until the end if April. You can then use it as often as you like through our first solstice of 2016 in June.

Besides, as a fellow human feeling my way through right along with you, I know why you’ve been asking. There are a lot of energy laws at play right NOW! I’ve already mentioned the Law of Entrainment. There’s also the Law of Momentum, the Law of Resonance, the Law of Resistance, the Law of Attraction… just to name a few of the most relevant ones at the moment. Then of course, PARADOX. The Law of Transformation.

I could go on and on, attempting to explain each one and how they all work together. I used to do just that, too… until I finally “got” that they can’t be explained in words in a page. Yet understanding the basic laws of energy  has become as important as knowing about gravity… maybe even more important, because we’re creating our versions of “reality” instantaneously NOW. And since the laws of energy  can be transmitted through frequency, and since thehuman voice is a very powerful frequency transmittor,  I’m going to do it that way, instead.

* Personally and specifically, for your own unique energetic needs, through private sessions–
THE MAGIC SLIDING SCALE BRIDGE INTO SOVEREIGNTY makes it possible for anyone to have a private session. In case you didn’t know yet, there is no “fee.” Instead, you invest inyourself through a reciprocal energy exchange, and you determine what that is in yourself, not me. For more information about that, click this magic word.
To schedule your private session, email

* In THE FREQUENCY TELE-GATHERING , Sunday April 17th, 2:00- 3:30 pm pstd. 
I’ll pesent the basic, most important, energy laws that everybody needs to know NOW in order to be conscious reality creators. Otherwise, we create what we don’t want more often than what we do want, and whatever we create is manifesting  faster and faster from NOW on. So bring your questions!
To register for THE FREQUENCY TELE-GATHERING–  offer your reciprocal energy exchange  of $17.00 via Paypal to
The toll-free number and access code for wherever in the world you are will then be sent  to you.

* Just as a heads up, I’ll soon be announcing a monthly group for Energy Sensitives. To make sure you get that (and everything else that will be coming up soon, I’m sure!) press the “follow” button in the right side bar.


White Heart in pink sky

Copyright©2016, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include the author’s name and  this copyright notice link:

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