Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

"YA KNOW WHAT'S UP" / "What you don't understand is, they are more terrified than you

POOF for JULY 5th - "YA KNOW WHAT'S UP" / "What you don't understand is, they are more terrified than you

Greetings and Salutations;

Man o man, folks are dropping like flies out here. Only the strong will survive this and I see many have completely lost their ability to deal with what is going on here. They believe evil always wins and have been so conditioned to believe that, there is no lifting them from it. You who have comprehended what is at hand here, have a grip, and you won't let the bad guys beat you into submission, and between you and I, they are really upset . Thing is, the big dummies don't get it, we got something they can't win against. They also know, when these deliveries are done, they will have to run like the cockroaches they are because the Light will be upon them and they will be forced into the dark holes they've created for themselves, which will turn into crypts. Rest in peace you sorry.....

What was expected to be done by thurs, was Not, but we are in expectancy. More has been done in the background for readiness then one might imagine, so when your packy/letter is in your hand, it will be immediate accessible, not some long drug out thing...and the world you have known, will become non existent. I don't think what is really going on here is really held because the media gives you such a song and dance, it makes on think, the same old same old is going on. Hold this...THIS COUNTRY IS BANKRUPT! Quit listening to the 'feel good' talking heads. There's only one thing that's going to change any of it and that's the release of all these funds into the world, the engagement of the new banking system. Like Nike says, Just Do It!

The problem child bankers are buying compliant software like hotcakes at a county fare, why? Because, it finally broke into their heads, 'you ain't compliant at the time of deliveries, you are toast!' No one is going to rescue them, so go on with your bad self, and see how that works out for ya. The world is moving on and we will witness it. Few ever get to notice history in the making but, this go around anyone living today can write this down and tell the children later, when 'the world moved on'. Much like my dad told me about 1929 and how it would happen again. We have a reversal now so, if you don't quite get it what has taken so long, think about people who will be wearing orange jumpsuits when the constitution is back online..officially. I told years ago, these people were not going down without a fight but whatever had to done, would be. However, Few comprehend what it means to beat such people who've been in power for ages, into submission, having never fought a war other than where all you do is blow stuff up and ya win. These same people have beaten the population into a mental pulp and have people so fearful, they are willing to stay in slavery to avoid confrontation with them. I point to the song above to make my point, as that's what they've done to enslave you....make you think you can't survive without them running things, albeit you allow yourself to be their slaves...or they will eat you!

What you don't understand is, they are more terrified than you are! Cheney and the bush's are pooping their pants right now, their well created scenario is blowing apart, just like iraq and the whole middle east program. They thought somehow they would run the world and be the grand masters, all they had to do was pull off the stunts and everyone would see their great wisdom. Hell, if I saw it in 1970, how many others saw what they were up to? Not many, I see. So a lot of catch up was applied as folks comprehended what was really going on. You gotta know when folks are lying to you thru diplomatic protocols. That's why I'm not a diplomat, don't have the language for it!

So here we are folks, the end of it. The new banking system must be put on line and that's all there is to it and all this 'trippin' isn't going to change anything but the 'doing' of it. Yea, you won't recoginize the place for a minute but hey, this is what the forefathers intended and quit trippin' on what the media is putting to you as the facts. I could go on and on about what is going to happen in this country that will have people just blowing out circuits left and right but I am not going there right now, just pay out the programs and let the rest handle itself. If anyone is looking for perfection, you are wasting your time. Pefection is a static state, think about it. The universe is constantly moving and growing, so get over thinking everything just sits still, like it was written in some book.

I can see some folks think they can give me critique on my newsletters. How may of you know I write more like I talk and how many know I've been writing like this since forever? Sounds like some people come drifting up to here quite late in the game, to be handling out 'advice' and it's quite obvious they don't 'grok' me either. I've been down this hole way too long for someone to come drifting up dropping crap on me about 'proper protocols'. Hey, like or not, I passed english with flying colors and have the capacity to make up words, too! My first big word I learned in 1st grade was 'antidisestablishmentaranism' and that set the rest of my life. You need a college dictionary to get the meaning of that word. All I'm saying is, don't come up on my front porch and start up, unless you have packed several lunches. I have the capacity to hit the theta range with the conscious mind in a heart beat and I ain't braggin', I want to teach this at the completion of this stuff. It is 'they' who teach dumbing down, not me.

If you need me, I am available for consultations, just email this address. Donations are needed and accepted at account

Stay ready to run.

Love and Kisses;


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