This could be a very long and lengthy article, but I choose to not make it so. Be that as it may, get into each of these sites, study and you just might learn the Truth.
We have not been told the truth. THE TRUTH is; THIS IS THE OLD GAME OF DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS... of the Knights of Old being played by our New Age Knights of the Templars,, and the Capetians on the other, supported by Sion, Teutonic Knights of Germany-Austria-Netherlands, Russian Knights, French Knights and even the Baudouin-Bedouins [In 1117 Baudouin (Baldwin II) negotiated the constitution of the Order of the Temple and they became an offical publicly recognised organization. Hughes de Payen donated land to Bernard at Clairvaux and Bernard himself became a Templar in 1124. Lincoln, Baigent, Leigh - Holy Blood Holy Grail]
THESE "KNIGHTS" are in a MONETARY WAR indulging in FINANCIAL TERRORISM against us all.. These Knights of various Orders are sent out by their World Leaders of those in control over various Knights.. to do financial transactions and promised enormous fees for transacting those Financial Transactions. When the transactions are near closing, those following the orders of President's etc.. are 'murdered' and that owned by their family's.. disappear leaving the families destitute.
see: BRADY BONDS; Federal Insurance Contributions Act "FICA
INSURANCE BENEFITS FRAUDS; Central Bank of the Philippines and CODE OF SILENCE AND "Public Notice"
Also see: The Vatican Bank scandal of the 1980's may open up clues to the death of Pope John Paul I, as well as turning up the 'real culprits' behind the murder of ...
The Vatican Bank scandal of the 1980's may open up clues to the death of Pope John Paul I, as well as turning up the 'real culprits' behind the murder of ...
27 November: European bankers concur with the Vatican that payment of the Wanta Settlement will be effected by 1st December, and that if there is another ...
This FRENCH WATERGATE situation goes back to the 1991 BANK FAILURES & BRADY .... China and The Vatican who's Bankers who have also been MURDERED equally as ... and
to Sovereign Debt Instruments be placed into our Bank for "SAFE KEEPING. ... as stories calculated to defame the Vatican, with their official banker the ...
snip] Sherman Skolnick writes:
As we mentioned in previous story, the greatest U.S./Canada black-out was to block the wire-transfers of Saudi funds deposited mainly in money center banks in New York.
The transfers scheduled to begin that Thursday afternoon, August 14, 2003, was to start with 98 Billion Dollars, part of upwards of One Trillion Dollars of Saudi monies in U.S. banks.
This was to have been a consequence of the bitter divorce between the Bush Crime Family/Carlyle Group and their now disgruntled business partners, the Saudi Royal Family. To try to divert attention from the treason of the Bushies, the occupant and resident of the White House began falsely blaming 9-11 on so-called "Arab terrorists" supposedly financed by the Saudi Royals.
The Arabs were NOT direct participants, just orchestrated patsies, to protect the crazies high up in the U.S. Military, and the same mindset in the American/British Aristocracy, for which the Bushies are scapegoats and stooges.
The pro-British American monopoly press as well as the press of the United Kingdom have suddenly come forward with accusations against the Canadian transit point of the Saudi flight capital, namely Toronto, as well as stories calculated to defame the Vatican, with their official banker the French Rothschilds being intended recipients of the Saudi funds to be transferred out of the U.S.
And how will the occupant and resident of the White House now deal with this? By declaring a National Bank Holiday, based on data that the major U.S. money center banks are insolvent (which they are and will be moreso minus the Saudi deposits) and that such banks have gambled away their assets on gold and oil hocus-pocus derivatives, putting the banks over the cliff by more than Thirty Trillion Dollars? And will the impending collapse of U.S. Treasury securities be a reason to block the Saudi accounts in the major U.S. banks, mainly in New York?
The pro-British American Monopoly Press as well as that of the United Kingdom have sprung into action to accuse those involved in the intended transit of the Saudi funds out of the U.S.
[1] A part of the intended route of the Saudi monies was to have been through Toronto, Canada, victim of total black-out. The British news service, Reuters, circulated an apparently false story that the leaders in Toronto were not available to deal with the black-out emergency.
[2] A major British publication, The Observer, linked to the Guardian of London, picked this very moment to circulate a story that there is reputedly a Vatican document in Latin, authorized more than four decades ago by then Pope John 23rd, commanding absolute secrecy on the accusations of sexual abuse by clerics. Violators, according to the reputed document, would be excommunicated from The Church. Is this a mere coincidence that the Vatican is thus lambasted at the very moment the Vatican along with the French Rothschilds was scheduled to have been the recipients of the Saudi flight capital?
[3] Another possibly related event, is that the representative of the Super-Secret Covert Operations Chief of the U.S. Treasury has demanded censorship of a Toronto-based weekly two-hour radio show, "Cloak and Dagger" with motto "Talk Radio for Spies!" The demand is that the website, of the show take down and redact certain documents proving treason by top U.S. officials. The excuse for this intended suppression? That it violates---now get this---the National Security of the United States, NOT Canada!
[NOTE: stories like this are often posted and archived through the MAIN PAGE, left-hand side of the Page, COLUMNISTS Sherman Skolnick of the website Often posted there sooner than . Article continued
AND NOW; TO THE "WAR OF THE KNIGHTS" which went far past the "100 Years War" [War of the Roses] reaching into the far future into our daily lives this day, this year and this time.
Knights Templar
An order of knights founded in Jerusalem in 1118 by Hugues de Payen and seven Frankish crusaders. Officially called the “Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon,” or the Order of the Temple. De Payen received his charter from Badouin I, King of Jerusalem. He and his fellow knights became known as the Order of the Temple because they housed themselves in a wing of Badouin’s palace, which was built on the ruins of Solomon’s temple. It is rumored that the eight men conducted excavations underneath the temple, although it is not known what they were looking for. Whatever the case, within ten years of its inception the Order of the Temple had become an extremely potent political and military presence in Europe and in Outremer, the elite vanguard of Christianity in the Holy Land.
The Order of the Temple waxed powerful for almost 200 years. Towards the end of their existence they rivaled the Pope in political power.
In 1285 Philippe IV (Phillip the Good) ascended the throne of France. Philippe disliked any institution which threatened his sovereignty, including the Templars and the Church. In 1305 he arraigned for the kidnap and murder of Pope Boniface VIII, after which he installed a puppet onto the throne of St. Peter, Clement V. Accusing the Templars of a number of bizarre activities, including the worship of an entity called “Baphomet” and trampling and spitting on the cross, Clement ordered the arrest of every member of the order on Friday the 13th, 1307. Although Clement seized the amassed property of the Templars, which was considerable, he never found the legendary “treasure” supposedly uncovered by Hugues de Payen and his seven companions beneath the Temple of Solomon 200 years previously. cript> source:
The Cutting of the Elm-The Rose
also associated with the above: Read this carefully because it is from the "alleged" Trustee of the National Banking Association believed to be associated with the GAIA-Ekker's and their involvement with the U.S. Treasury/Fed. R. and those 'outstanding' Counterfeit Collateralized (U.S.) Debt Obligations which are currently in the process of BANKRUPTCY of the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury and Fed. R. Banking-[Contra- [with pics]
snip] "For 700 years we have believed that the Templars died as cursed men, and this absolves them." story.. Vatican secret papers
Is There Connection between the Freemasons and the Templars?
snip] "It is known that in 1070, twenty-nine years before the First Crusade, a specific band of monks from Calabria in southern Italy arrived in the vicinity of the Ardennes Forest, part of Godfroi de Bouillon’s domains. According to Gerard de Sade this band of monks was led by an individual called Ursus - a name the “Prieure documents” consistently associates with the Merovingian bloodline. On their arrival in the Ardennes the Calabrian monks obtained the patronage of Mathilde de Toscan, duchess of Lorraine - who was Godfroi de Bouillon’s aunt and, in effect, foster mother. From Mathilde the monks received a tract of land at Orval, far from Stenay, where Dagobert II had been assassinated some five hundred years earlier. Here an abbey was established to house them. Nevertheless, they did not remain at Orval very long. By 1108 they had mysteriously disappeared, and no record of their whereabouts survives. Tradition says they returned to Calabria. Orval, by 1131, had become one of the fiefs owned by Saint Bernard.
Lincoln, Baigent, Leigh - Holy Blood Holy Grail
snip] Below we have the 'First Station of the Cross' at Rennes Le Chateau, the others follow.
The cutting of the Elm
On the land adjacent to the fortress of Gisors there was a meadow called the Champ Sacre - the sacred Field. According to medievel chroniclers the site had been deemed sacred since pre-Christian times and during the 12th century had provided the setting for numberous meetings between the kings of England and France. In the middle of the sacred field stood an ancient elm. And in 1188 during a meeting between Henry II of England and Philippe II of France, for some unknown reason this elm became an object of serious, even bloody, contention.
According to one account the elm afforded the only shade on the Sacred field. It was said to be more than eight hundred years old and so large that nine men, linking hands together could barely encompass the trunk. Under the shade of this tree Henry II and his entourage susposedly took shelter, leaving the French monarch, who arrived later, to the merciless sunlight. By the third day of negotations French tempers had become frayed by the heat, insults were exchanged by the men-at-arms, and an arrow flew from the ranks of Henry's Welch mercenaries. This provoked a full scale onslaught by the French, who greatly outnumbered the English. The latter sought refuse within the walls of Gisors itself, while the French are said to have cut down the elm in frustration. Philippe II then stormed back to Paris in a huff, declaring he had not come to Gisors to play the role of woodcutter. There is confirmation of this in other accounts which imply a full scale engagement with substantial casualaties. This event however cannot be connected with the Knights Templar or the Ordre of Sion. Yet it is likely that the Templars were present at the incident - Richard I was frequently accompanied by knights of the order, and moreover, Gisors, thirty years before, had been entrusted to the Temple.
Lincoln, Baigent and Leigh, Holy Blood Holy Grail.
From 1188 onward, the Prieure documents maintain, the Knights Templar were autonomous - no longer under the authority of the Order of Sion or acting as its military and administrative arm. Until 1188 the Order of Sion and the Order of the Temple are said to have shared the same grand master. Hughes de Payen and Bernard de Blanchefort, for example would have presided over both institutions simultaneously. Commencing in 1188 however the Ordre de Sion reportedly selected its own grand master which was Jean de Gisors. It also modified its name to Prieure de Sion. And as its subtitle it adopted the couris name Ormus. Orme is French for elm and 'Or' is gold. The vast treasure of the Templars somehow stayed with them which lead to Philip III's surpression of the Templars in 1307. But there are also accounts of some kind of treasure remaining in the vicinity of Rennes le Chateau.
The Cutting of the Elm at Gisors did more than just split the Templars off from its parent Order, it defined the boundary line between the Plantagenets on one side, supported by the Templars, and the Capetians on the other, supported by Sion. This division would eventually produce not just the destruction of the Templars by the French King, Philip III and his puppet Pope, Clement V, but the catastrophe of the Hundred Years War between France and England.
The elm at Gisors represented the Merovingian bloodline, and the battle was about the claim to the right to rule. Henry II was the grandson of Fulk V, King of Jerusalem. But this title was bestowed through marriage to the daughter of the previous King of Jerusalem, Baldwin, who did have a direct male succession from the Merovingian Kings.
Henry II's claim to France was based on obscuring the truth; his claim to blood descent was untruthful but politically worth making if the facts could be obscured. However, in a more relevant light, his son Richard did embody a true claim, because his mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine, was descended from Charlemagne and therefore Clovis, one of the first Merovingian Kings. The Plantagenets established their Merovingian heritage only through Eleanor of Aquitaine; it was valid for Richard to make the claim (though he couldn¹t because he wasn¹t yet king), but not for Henry II - even though his grandfather had married the daughter of a legitimate lineal male descendant of the Merovingian line and thus became the third King of Jerusalem after Godfroi and Baldwin.
This is why King Phillip of France wanted to symbolically cut the cord from Henry and Richard: Phillip, too, was descended from Charlemagne. Only two, but more like three, females stood in the decent line between Phillip and the Merovingian Kings. (Male descent was preferred in royal successions.) He believed his claim on France was more pure than the Plantagenet usurpers. (Not true, since Eleanor's other line back through Bernard Plantevelue was probably all male.) Thus the elm at Gisors, ancient symbol of genetic branching and direct continuity, was cut as a statement to Henry II: 'Go away, France is mine!" The outward visible symbol of the 'vine' or bloodline transplanted from the Holy Land was no more. The knowledge thereafter was hidden, though preserved by the Templars and, later, by the Priory of Sion.
continued scroll down and you will see the ROSE .. [Pay close attention to that Rose, you just may have the opportunity to see the 'original'..]
This "Battle of the Rose's" is still ongoing. This Battle which is currently a battle for the supremacy of the Knights Templar or those Teutonic "Black" Knights of Germany-Austria.
The Teutonic Order survived the collapse of the Habsburg Empire by abandoning its "chivalric" character, retaining only its religious identity. Henceforth the only members of the Order have been professed religious brothers or sisters The last Habsburg Grand Master resigned shortly after the First World War and the admission of knights to membership ceased immediately; today there are no survivors from the Habsburg era and the Order functions as a religious Order of the Church, operating principally in Austria, Germany, north Italy and parts of former Yugoslavia. The familiares, who are decorated with either the Knights Cross or the Marian Cross, are not members of the Order, but are lay associates rewarded for their services. The Marian familiares are sometimes called "Teutonic knights" but this is a misnomer and the only persons entitled to be so styled are the twelve "Knights of Honour" who have been specially distinguished by the award of the knight's Cross by the Hochmeister. Only the protestant Teutonic Order in the Netherlands has maintained its traditional, chivalric character.
The Order's inspiration was the hospital founded by German pilgrims and crusaders between 1120 and 1128 but destroyed following the fall of Jerusalem in 1187. With the coming of the knights of the Third Crusade two years later, including a large proportion of Germans, a new hospital was built outside Acre to succor those wounded in the siege. This was constructed on a plot near the Saint Nicholas gate from the timbers and sails of the ships that had transported them to the Holy Land. Although this foundation had no connection with the earlier hospital, its example may have inspired them and, keen to restore Christian rule in Jerusalem, they adopted the city as part of their name, along with that of the Virgin Mary, the Order's principal Patron. The knights later adopted Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, giving her the status of their second patron after her canonization in 1235 and, like so many chivalric Orders, also honored Saint George, the patron of chivalry and knighthood. [1]
[2004. 5,000 gathered in London for the first time in 50 years which would have been 1944 the beginning of the drafting of the Bretton Woods Agreement-GATT-IMF]
note: The Marian familiares are sometimes called "Teutonic knights" but this is a misnomer and the only persons entitled to be so styled are the twelve "Knights of Honour" who have been specially distinguished by the award of the knight's Cross by the Hochmeister. Only the protestant Teutonic Order in the Netherlands has maintained its traditional, chivalric character. continued
Vinas Solamnus was a general of the army of Empire of Ergoth, who fought for them until he was sent to subdue a rebellion in Solamnia, which was at the time eastern Ergoth. After months of fighting, winter bogged down the campaign. In the months of inactivity, Solamnus studied the cause of the rebels, and found it to be just. He marched to Daltigoth, capital of Ergoth, he led his army in the Rose Rebellion or the War of Ice Tears. After defeating the Empire, he spent some time alone meditating. The gods Paladine, Habbakuk and Kiri-Jolith then sent Vinas a vision, in which he thought about an army divided in three orders, each of the three orders associated with a god.. The Knighthood was born.
The Knighthood requires the help of a conscripted army, footmen, usually local guards, militia and mercenaries, acting under the commands of a Knight. They are not part of the knighthood itself.[1]
[edit] The Oath and the Measure
The Measure is a set of rules, written by Vinas Solamnus and held in thirty-seven 300-page volumes,[2] conducting the life of a knight. In those books it is explained how a knight should react in different situations ranging from peace to war times.
During the time right before the Catacylsm, there were only 63 known Knights of Solamnia in Ansalon. These Knights worked for the good of Ansalon against the mounting problems arising from the Kingpriest of Istar.[3] During the time after the Cataclysm the Knighthood was shattered, with no Grandmaster, High Clerist or Justice. After the War of the Lance, Gunthar Uth Wistan, voted Grandmaster of the Knights of Solamnia, took as his goal to revise the Oath and the Measure, considering such strict rules were the ones that made the Knighthood fall in decay with time. The Revised Measure was presented by his successor, Lord Liam Ehrling, on the year 9 SC. The spirit of the Measure changed from being a strict set of rules to a set of proposed rules, which suggest what the knight should do, but not impose them.
The Oath of the Knights of Solamnia is Est Sularus Oth Mithas (My Honor Is My Life).
[edit] Basic structure
The Knighthood is divided into three suborders of increasing rank: the Orders of the Crown, Sword, and Rose. A knight can also become a Lord Knight, thus dropping the title of 'sir' and replacing it with 'Lord'. Entry into the higher orders requires attainment of rank in the lower ones. Every order is based in a different set of concepts that the knight must understand.
The Knighthood is ruled by the Grandmaster of the Knights of Solamnia and a Conclave, formed by representatives of each order. This Conclave is reunited during certain times in a year to discuss matters concerning promotions, guidelines, information gathering, war councils, talk with allies, etc. The Conclave may have extraordinary sessions if the situation is exceptional.
When the Grandmaster dies, the new Grandmaster is chosen between the members of the Conclave. Although a Knight of the Rose is usually chosen due to his experience, there is no known rule stating that must be the case, and there have been known situations when the Knight of the Sword has been chosen instead.
ORDER OF THE ROSE. "The virtue of the Order of the Rose is Justice"
Vinas vision: snip: run your browser over this, it will become dark and can be read
Knights of Solamnia were once the greatest order of chivalry in all the history of Krynn. This historic organization was founded in 1775 PC, by a human named Vinas Solamnus, a noble warrior visited by the gods Paladine, Kiri-Jolith, and Habbakuk, the patron gods of the Knighthood. Now their entire way of life shifts in precarious balance between the Code of Honor and the truth of what the world has become.
The Knighthood of Solamnia is the enforcing arm of the good. Its goals are not so much to win more land and glory for good, but to stem the rising tide of evil on Ansalon. The knights are the main force for chivalry, law, and goodness on this continent, and they constantly seek to keep the people aware of the knightly ideals.
July 1, 1993. Russell Herrmann (Herrman and Herman) was seen exiting a black Tractor-Trailor bearing the "Gold Paladin Horse"..
Paladine: The Dragon Lord
Residence: Seven Heavens (Road of Good Intentions 666)
Description: Paladine is Father of Good and Master of Law. He speaks for the gods of Good, leading them not by restriction but by example and encouragement. Paladine upholds the laws of Good, assisting the righteous and abjuring the evil. read
The History of Krynn
The Age Of Starbirth
Before the Beginning, there is Chaos. Then, out of the Chaos comes thought and being-the High God. Paladine and Takhisis answer the High God's call, and Gilean serves the Balance between Good and Evil. Among their companion is Reorx, who forges a mighty hammer and smites the Chaos. The sparks that fly up from the hammer light the heavens as stars!
Reorx then shapes the great globe of Krynn and a sun to light it.Paladine and Takhisis give birth to the First Born Five dragons, but the Dark Queen corrupts them. Grief-stricken Paladine breathes life into statues of precious metals to form metallic dragons.
In the All Dragons War, the forces of Good and Evil release terrible devastation upon the world. Ashamed, the gods vow to stop the war. Soon, however, they covet the spirits of the living stars and battle erupts again in the All Saints War. Ultimately, the gods of light give the spirits physical bodies, the dark gods curse them with mortality, and the gray gods give them free will.
Next, the deities of Good fashion elves, those of Evil shape ogres, and those of Neutrality create humans. The High God forms other children of Krynn. Finally, each family of gods produces one of the gods of magic, each taking as his symbol one of Krynn's three moons.
The Age of Dreams
The Foundation Time
9000-8500PC: Ogres claim Krynn's mountains, elves withdraw to the forests, and humans take the plains.
8500-5000PC: Ogres build an empire with human slaves.
8700PC: Reorx chooses a group of humans to take to a northern land and teach his craft.
6320-5980PC: Igraine's heresy; slave revolts begin.
6000-5000PC: As ogres embrace cruelty, humans rise up to slay their masters. Ogre civilization falls.
5000-3000PC: Elves seek to build their own civilization in a wood already home to the chromatic dragons.
DID YOU NOTICE: Grief-stricken Paladine breathes life into statues of precious metals to form metallic dragons.?
Australian Aboriginal Stories
Gadi Mirrabooka, which means Below the Southern Cross, contains thirty-three Dreaming stories from the Australian Aboriginal culture, recognized as the oldest continual culture on earth.
The stories in this collection; unlike many previous collections of Aboriginal stories, are told by Aboriginal storyteller custodians.
In the past, people have gathered, plundered and published books of Aboriginal stories, regardless of whether they are secret stories for use in initiation rites, or for public use. This was usually done, without first seeking permission to use them. In many cases, a number of these stories were altered--or sanitized--to suit the prevailing sensitivities and values of that era. These acts deeply offended the Aboriginal people.
The storytellers, who have shared stories for Gadi Mirrabooka, are all respected Aboriginal cultural educators, who use their knowledge to educate their younger generation, as well as, the wider Australian community. The stories have not been altered or sanitized for specific audiences, but are authentic oral stories, passed down through many generations. All have been approved for public telling.
The Dreamtime; the period of creation before time — as we know it, existed — is known to the Aboriginal people as the Dreaming, where the very essence of human nature came to be understood. The lessons of this period of enlightenment; the ability to live in peace and harmony with all around you, are encapsulated within the Dreaming and passed on to the next generation in the oral traditions.
Dream time is a word first used by an anthropologist, in the early 1900's, to define what he saw as a religion. He used this word to describe the all-encompassing mystical period of Aboriginal beginning.
However, the Aboriginal people do not worship any single Deity or other Gods. They built no monoliths, memorials or idols, nor did they have an organized religion. They lived by the lores of the various Creator and Ancestral Spirits of the diverse landscapes, the sky, the creatures and plants of Australia. continued at
to be continued..
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