Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers ~ Worldwide Day of Prayer to clean Mother Earth's waters ~ 18 May 2010

Marshall "Golden Eagle" Jack is a member of the Washoe Tribe of California and Nevada. He retired from a conventional life to dedicate himself to doing Native American ceremonies that will help heal Mother Earth.

He is inviting everyone to join together on May 18 for a Worldwide Day of Prayer to clean Mother Earth's waters. Details below.

"Let us come together to protect our childrens' waters the same way our Ancient Ancestors came together to protect our waters." A-HOE

The Divine Feminine energy is leading the way for the unification of people around the planet to heal our waters. The message for us to understand is that our own homelands need our attention. To walk upon our lands as the ancient ones did, we need to acknowledge and honor all things that live with us. Through the ancient teachings we have been taught that WATER is the most powerful medicine we have upon this earth. Without this pure element, LIFE would end. There is a direct correlation between the health of our waters and the health of all living things who drink of this water. We ask all of you to look into the future of our childrens' waters (as our ancient ones looked into the future of our present waters), recognize the damage that we have done through our efforts to alter the way Mother Earth functions, and acknowledge that we must take on the responsibility of healing this water. We are collectively coming together to give the strength, wisdom and understanding needed to combat the negative energies that have influenced waterways around the world.

On May 18th, we are joining our hearts and our intentions to bring back the purification and abundance/balance of pure clean water for all of earth's inhabitants. Know in your heart that there are people around the world, just like you, that will be focusing on this massive healing effort....WE WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN!!

An example recently, of energies working together, was the completion of the intent of the Colorado River flowing into the Baja peninsula, which had not flowed in many years. This happened in April 2010. A contributing factor in this event was that the Gila River flowed across Arizona and emptied into the Colorado River at the USA/Mexico border. This river had not flowed into the Colorado River in over 40 years. This was accomplished by the collective unity of many individuals. (See COLORADO RIVER CEREMONY on our web site)

Through the spiritual realms, I have been directed to lend my energies to the waters in the Gulf of Mexico on May 18, 2010. We will be joining with like-minded people from Florida to Texas to help in the global efforts, along with the intention of healing the Gulf waters. In addition to your work with your own waterways, please offer your prayers and energies to stop the devastation that is occurring in this region. We will be conducting a four day event, beginning on Saturday, May 15th.

On May 18th, we will be erecting a crystal altar which will have eight spokes symbolizing the eight major bodies of water for the activation of the Nine-Pointed Star Ceremony. Through the crystals that have been placed upon the earth, whether by man or Mother Earth, we will be energizing the crystalline grid for the main purpose of healing our precious waters and planet. All crystals that have been placed in the waterways will be activated on this day.

For those of you wishing to participate in the Nine-Pointed Star Ceremony/Planetary Water Blessing with us in Galveston, Texas, please check our Blog Link on the website.

Through our collective focus on Water, we will be One!

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