Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

"....[Mother Earth] is egging us on to get to the finish line much earlier than we had expected!" Update for 18 May 2010 -

Selamat Jarin! We come with much to talk about! At present, a series of discussions is taking place around your world to finalize the particulars of the dark cabal's relinquishment of power. These panels are also empowered to go into detail concerning what the post-cabal world is to look like. We are acting as mediators and moderators of these myriad discussions, and once they are completed and signed, we will ensure that all is carried out as negotiated. Our liaisons have done a magnificent job of overseeing these meetings. The cabal now understands that it can no longer continue as before, and so its ultimate concern is to find a way out of the dire consequences it faces. The heads of the major families that make up the dark cabal are terrified of what may happen to them, and so, in order to gain the concessions that this planet's peoples so desperately need and want, our Earth allies have leveraged this fear, resulting in a number of agreements that are close to the signing formalities. Once this is done, we will turn over implementation of the contract specifics to the Agarthans.
It is essential that the two human constituents of your globe work together and get to really know each other. This new relationship can form the foundation of the post-landing world as each of you has experience of a different aspect of what constitutes being human. There is also the urgent matter of bringing a true spirituality back to the surface world. The surface realm has been hugely manipulated over the past 13 millennia, first by the Anunnaki and then by their minions. What you feel to be real in your spiritual rituals and practices has been released from within you by your recent awakening. The Agarthans can mentor you and give you a deeper knowing of these many areas of Spirit. Moreover, we will ask them to set up programs designed to introduce you to the functioning of galactic society. For our part, the heart of our mission is, as ever, to get you into full consciousness as soon as possible. Everything else that is going on is merely a lead-in to our actual mass landings and in a sense constitutes only time-consuming diversions that we can put behind us once the above-mentioned agreements are acted upon.

First contact can be described as a series of stages made up of events that permit us to move closer to the landings. The importance of these events is that they make possible the transitional regimes we have often talked about. The coming time is therefore critical. Our liaison teams are fully briefed and have advised all parties concerned what is expected. Our talks with Mother Earth's Spiritual Hierarchies and with your world's major governments helped us to sort out and prioritize the vital elements that can get us closer to first contact. We work within the divine framework given us by Heaven, and the Light is busily altering your reality so that you will be ready to make the big changes when so decreed by the Creator. One of these times is now approaching. Your dark cabal is to be moved out of the way and prevented from further impeding what needs to be done before we land. This can be done in two ways; the preferred one is to quickly complete the many recent agreements we mentioned above.

Another issue under discussion at these meetings is the new economic system and the delivery of the abundance programs. A key element in the US is the "Farm Claims," which form part of the legitimization of the new banking system in America. It is essential to dismantle the illegal Federal Reserve which constitutes the foundation of the present economic system first set up at Dumbarton Oaks in 1944. These Claims kill the entire present system, leaving the way open for a successor. To this end, a number of new proposals were enacted by various economic committees. These regionalize the Dumbarton Oaks system; set up a new range of gold-backed currencies; and re-charter the International Monetary Fund. Once this is made public, the new system will drastically reorder international finance. Charged with global debt forgiveness, it can serve as a transition to a true economy based upon global abundance and consistent universal prosperity. These conditions segue into what we call consciousness economics.

Consciousness economics is a state where money no longer applies, as your living conditions have been raised by zero-point technology to a level beyond dependence on Mother Earth (e.g. farming, fishing, manufacturing, etc.). Here, the basics of survival like water, food, and shelter are no longer derived from planetary resources. Moreover, you have graduated to a state of spiritual wisdom which allows you to perceive your relationship to physicality in such a way that you move out of dependence on a planet's ecosystem and into a new role as her guardian. This way of looking at physicality is normal for the Agarthans and is something you have not as yet experienced. This is another reason for bringing you together with the Agarthans. They will become your master-teachers and introduce you to the glories of full consciousness, where you will begin to recall your past fully conscious lives and integrate them into your limited-conscious 3-D lives.

As you become more able to integrate your past lives, you will begin to understand your role in the great oneness that is galactic humanity. We know that as you do this you are to become proud citizens of your planet and of this new star-nation. Mars, Venus, and Pax (many know her as Maldek) will also become new homes for you. As you assume your guardianship roles, you will become conversant with lines of thought and realities only dreamt about. Galactic society to us is a most beautiful state of mind and being. You are in direct contact with Heaven and her infinite Orders and Hierarchies. You are able to converse with the Elohim and the physical Orders and Administrations. You have an innate wisdom on how the Divine Plan is to unfold and are able to apply it. Together with others you can use your powers to manifest the Divine at will.

Mother Earth knows that what we are talking about is ready to manifest. She has therefore put out a warning to all concerned that the time for these changes is now. She has been severely handicapped in her present limited state and dearly wishes you to leap into the next level of consciousness. To instigate this, she has increased the scale and frequency of earthquake and volcanic activity. The danger posed by the Icelandic volcano to transatlantic and European air travel is one such warning. Mother Earth's sacred Hierarchies tell us that Heaven needs to give us the green light for direct intervention. All this is something that Mother Earth wanted to have happen much earlier on in our first contact timeline. In fact, now she is egging us on to get to the finish line much earlier than we had expected!

This is a moment when some tumultuous things are to happen: your many societies are to be exposed to us and your beliefs will be severely challenged. Your perceptions of reality will be swept up into a massive paradigm shift and your level of consciousness raised to that of Angels. Your technological base will vault into a sphere that will seem like magic, and your lives, for a time, will take on a dreamlike quality. Indeed, full consciousness quite resembles a lucid dream that you have the ability to change at will and where miracles commingle with magic. Such a realm has been home to us for millions of years, and it is our delight to share this magnificent way of living with you, and in the process spread Divine Light to this sector of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Today, we pursued our discussion of what is happening around you and expounded on where events are leading you. We wait joyfully for the moment when we can arrive on your shores and be part of the grand change that will return the Divine's Light to what was temporarily cast into darkness. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy)

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Comment by CHRISTINA on May 23, 2010 at 4:48am
Trudy, Sheldan does not channel. Here is a link to a Dutch translation of part of the book "Your First Contact" by Sheldan which may help provide you better insights as to the How and Why of the messages given by the Sirians.

If you have time, read from "Voorwoord" to "Tot besluit". Enjoy :-)
Comment by Trudy on May 22, 2010 at 8:26pm
It always surprises me again, that in this sort of channels is discussed improvements for the USA. In addition, there is also the word used '' globally'' , but there is a strong hint of chauvinism about these channels.
Oh well all is done in the name of Love, and that is fine again :))) ... I think ...

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