Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

World consciousness is now more open to change The Arcturian Group Through Marilyn Raffaele

World consciousness is now more open to change
The Arcturian Group
Through Marilyn Raffaele

Dear readers, we come with a message of hope, love, information, and support for you who are so courageously holding Light in these times of change and energetic density. Never doubt that all is proceeding according to plan because a Divine plan can never be interfered with, changed, or stopped through human thinking or the strategies. One with God is always a majority.

World consciousness is now more open to change which in turn is allowing much of the old belief system to collapse of its own nothingness. Many are ready to or have already moved into a state of consciousness that allows them to see a bigger picture whereas before they only saw what they were told they were seeing.

The universal hypnotism of earth’s duality/separation consciousness has governed for so long that a sense of separation from God and all life continues to be the reality for most. However, collective consciousness is now expanding through the presence of increasingly more Light now flowing from the many highly evolved states of consciousness now present and continuing to incarnate on earth...
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