Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Stillness of Mind One of our Accepted Tools? By Steve Beckow

Stillness of Mind
One of our Accepted Tools?
By Steve Beckow

Is stillness of mind at the present time just a tool in a lightworker’s toolbox?

Notice this. In past decades we’d have said that a still mind would be immediately followed by some spiritual experience.

No, not in my case. Still mind is still mind and I still walk around perfectly normal. I don’t even notice it as I go about my day.

… Except … now that you mention it, I do feel an evenness of experience. I do see that I don’t go off on an emotional rollercoaster … uhhh, errr, very often … any more.

I feel certain that there’s an explanation for this change in the effect of a still mind. I believe it’s that the Mother and the celestials, in this most important of Ascensions, are moderating the experiences of lightworkers so that we do not let go of our service contracts and leave on a spiritual journey … or, as Michael calls them, a detour … away from our soul agreements.

In my case, I contend that the same divine beings who toned down most of the major experiences I’ve had since 2011, providing me with only glimpses, would moderate future experiences such that still mind does not result in a destabilizing spiritual experience. I need to remain at my post...
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