Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Wonderful and powerful great News for Everyone

An Article from David Wilcock's Blog


Humanity is at a critical turning-point, the likes of which few could ever imagine. Dream guidance has been increasingly insistent in telling me that a very substantial defeat of the New World Order / negative elite / Neocon faction is imminent — much sooner than we may have thought, if we even dared believe it at all.

If the Federal Reserve is dismantled or dramatically reduced in its corruption, the positive effects on all of us could be far beyond most people’s imagination. I am getting very clear messages that some of the things we may have expected to wait until 2012 for are going to be happening well in advance of that time… possibly even before the end of the year. No, I’m not kidding. I’ve been given very repetitive instructions to make this announcement.

The full sequence of events may also include some form of official or semi-official public acknowledgement of the reality of the UFO phenomenon, which would certainly be a tremendous event — probably the most substantial event in modern human history, at least since the founding of any of the major world religions.

Apparently a major, massive economic upheaval will be the precipitating event that will usher in many of these changes. Nonetheless, it appears that this will primarily destroy the most corrupt elements of our financial infrastructure, and what comes in the aftermath is very, very positive for the rest of us.

I am in the process of compiling a very thorough roundup of every dream I’ve had in the last two years that supports this, and at least some initial form of that will be available within another week or two. Next weekend I’m speaking at Awake and Aware in Burbank, Los Angeles, and I do hope to see you there.

Signup information can be found at, and there will be a very impressive cast of speakers present, and there may be some others in the audience as well. I’m the big grand-daddy speaker who will close out the whole event, and I will rock the house!


I have so many deadlines and issues to deal with at the moment that my normal flow of productivity on this site has been severely impacted, and for that I do apologize.

At the same time, my analysis of this year’s crop formations has concluded that we are being given the same message there as the one I’ve been getting in the last two years of dreams. The most powerful dream I had about these prophesied events this year ended with the metaphor of a comet or asteroid that was coming into the Earth, as the final, remaining blow the negative elite wanted to give humanity before their imminent defeat.

The glowing inbound rocks were stopped, in breathtaking, tear-jerking fashion, by a massive apparition of Mother Mary, the Goddess, the Divine Feminine that was so tall you couldn’t see above her waist before you reached the cloud line. [I am not saying this will literally happen. Nonetheless, this is one of many dreams suggesting that a massive form of Divine Intervention is already underway and will create events most of us will see as miraculous.]

Mary’s hand personally reached out to the comet and stopped it from hitting the Earth, so when it finally landed it just plunked down without causing any damage. You can imagine my surprise this past week when I realized that all this year’s major prophetic crop circles have had a comet theme, and the exact calibration of the planetary alignment in one of them clearly associates this with economics, as it shows us an alignment that refers back to a date last December where we had the fourth-largest drop in the history of the Dow Jones.

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Comment by Marie on September 12, 2009 at 12:16am
wow! awesome!
Comment by Besimi on September 11, 2009 at 9:58pm
whoaa ! so Cool.
..thanks Aaron bro.Namaste.

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