Why We Get Sick - Or Allow That ?
A great analogy for understanding sickness comes from the real estate arena. We’ve all heard its location, location, location.
Same holds true for the human body; but it’s the terrain, terrain, terrain!
By terrain we are looking at the state of a body’s balance.
We can take two seemingly healthy people and put them in a meeting with a sick colleague.
One of these people will catch a cold the other will not.
We are continually in contact with viruses and bacteria, some of us are just less susceptible to them.
Not only is the body’s terrain important for warding off some of the immediate threats posed by viruses and bacteria,
but for the long term, the relative state of the terrain will determine to a large extent the proclivity towards developing disease.
These diseases would include all the best known killers: heart disease, obesity, cancer, arthritis, and others.
There is an immense body of theory (and remember that all medicine is theory, or the best “scientific” estimate at the current time,
which invariably changes when new research finds more “scientific” evidence) which looks at the condition of the body,
and its relative state, as the single most important factor determining susceptibility towards disease.
When a body (or its terrain) is out of balance it can’t fight off that cold, or if the terrain is persistently off kilter,
then disease has an easier time of taking hold.
The four main causes of disease are:
• Diet
• Chemicals
• Radiation
• Stress
The first three factors all deal with toxins.
The type of toxins that are present in our bodies.
It’s not a question of if you are toxic. It’s really all about how toxic are you? In our world today,
it’s simply a question of degree.
Diet – Typically people eat foods lacking in vitamins and minerals, enzymes, and important nutrients,
and instead eat chemical and preservative laced, beige foods lacking in life force.
The poster children “food” culprits are those that come from a box, a can, a jar or a pick-up widow.
They can contain up to 10,000 ingredients that do not need to be listed.
Anything that is man made should cause you to think again. Your body has next to no idea what to do with this “food”,
other than to store the chemicals and additives in various parts of your body and organs.
The bottom line: we are typically not getting enough nutrients and ingesting too many toxins.
Chemicals – It is estimated that there are over 600,000 known chemicals in our environment.
So the air you breathe, the water you wash with and drink, and the foods you consume are all loaded with chemicals,
that are invariably toxic and poisonous. That does not include drugs, both prescription and over the counter.
In large quantities these can be a problem.
Our society's default mechanism of popping a pill for any real or imagined ailment only takes the body out of balance.
Radiation – We are constantly bombarded by electromagnetic energy. These fields are all around us.
The big three “C’s”- cars, computers and cell phones are some of the most visible transducers, however TV’s, high tension wires,
microwave towers and electric and fiber optic cables all contribute to electromagnetic chaos.
Dr. George Carlo an expert on cellular wireless affects found that microwave radiation from cell phones can disrupt cardiac pacemakers,
compromise the blood-brain barrier, and inflict genetic damage that is a known diagnostic marker for cancer. And that’s just cell phones.
Stress – Evidence shows that stress changes the body’s natural alkaline pH, to acidic.
It is nearly impossible for an alkaline pH body to support disease. Stress comes in many forms.
Stress elimination comes in varying degrees of difficulty.
The easiest is eliminating “foods” that push the body into imbalance.
Next are lifestyle issues, identifying and trying to minimize them.
The most difficult are the deeply rooted emotions that may be family or relationship activated.
The mind is both your best friend in the prevention/cure of disease, but can also be your greatest enemy.
Quite frequently I am confronted with the “you are off your rocker” argument.
That we are living longer and healthier, kids are bigger, stronger, smarter than the last generation, etc. etc.
As for living longer, if we eliminated the improved child mortality numbers from the averages, does it still mean we are living longer?
What about the current retirees in those stats?
During their critical younger years they were fed foods that were just at the forefront of chemical use, soil depletion and over farming.
One apple fifty years ago equals five apples today for nutrient content.
Quite possibly, one apple today equals 50 apples 50 years ago for chemical content.
I spent the last five years visiting an aunt at a nursing home, before she passed on.
No one can convince me that the drug induced “life” her and her fellow residents were experiencing was quality.
So even if we are actually “living” longer, my educated estimate is that the party is ending.
As for children being bigger and stronger, that’s a no brainer!
So what can one do without becoming so fanatical as to forego a “normal” life?
Get the toxins out of your body as best as you can. A reasonable option would be to reduce toxins where possible.
Think one hundred years! If it could not be produced in 1905, don’t put it in or near your body (except for vitamin and mineral supplements).
If that’s impossible, reduce your reliance on those products. As for foods, go with organic where possible:
better nutrient content and less chemicals. Do cleanses: colon, whole body, candida and specific organs.
Lot’s of info on the web. Look into electromagnetic chaos reducers, again there are products out there.
As for stress, pay attention to what causes it in your life and move towards balancing and or reducing it.
Simple things like the music you listen to, and the television images you internalize can affect your stress levels.
Non-stressful exercise such as walking, and yoga are wonderful activities with far reaching benefits.
Start with one area that makes sense to you and then integrate others that will invariably lead to a healthier, higher quality of life.
Starseed Claude
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