This article has been “in the making” for a very long time! I have remained SILENT for far too long! I have said nothing – and watched quietly as countless – and I really DO MEAN COUNTLESS – blog sites are now operating based solely on what either one – two – or three, favorite channelers are saying!
The news about what is happening here on the Earth (when channeled) is apparently coming from a “broadcast” that is being “recieved” by a channel (read: normal everyday human being) who most likely has NO IDEA who or what, they are connecting with! This is not only dangerous – but really quite STUPID as well!
I first became “aware” of channeling in the very early 1980’s! I was young then – broke and living in San Diego, California! I was looking for an alternative to the Catholic Church – or a different kind of spirituality, and happened upon a poster that was very glossy and expensive looking announcing CHANNELING!
It talked about this “person” by the name of J. Z. KNIGHT – who was channeling an “entity” named RAMTHA!
The channelings could be heard – but only for a large fee – or a cost – and at that time (remember this is 1980 for crying out loud) this person was charging over $1,200.00 dollars for a “weekend” with Ramtha!
You had to pay in advance – and then you’d get a one night stay and some food and then a GROUP CHANNELING SESSION!
In today’s money – that is easily about $6,000.00 dollars! Judy Zebra Knight (which is not even her real name) has literally made a FORTUNE on her channelings. And her chosen middle name ZEBRA – there’s a clue Sherlock – is the only animal that has both “black” and “white” stripes.
Please read all about JZ KNIGHT and RAMTHA’S TEACHINGS here:
Since that time in my life – I was exposed to dozens of “regular” guys and gals who picked up the channeling “thing” and were willing to do it for far less money – many of them doing it for free!
And so, being young and gullible then , I attended ALL SORTS OF PRAYER CIRCLES – and did my share of listening to these CHANNELERS LIVE AND IN PERSON! I saw them – and heard them live! Over and over and over again! So I do know what I am talking about here. This went on from about the late 1980’s to about the late 1990’s.
Here the TRUTH! I witnessed hundreds and hundreds of PREDICTIONS made by these normal – everyday people – when they were channeling! Many of which had nothing to do with spirituality at the time, but were mostly for those people inside the prayer circle.
Certainly we were all TOLD that the SPIRIT BEING giving us the message was a very high being – who had great connections on the other side. However, the predictions and the advice rarely came to pass – and if it did – it was no more than small percentage of the time.
Now today – we have CHANNELERS who post their stuff on the INTERNET and because people do not get to see these people IN PERSON – they somehow attach GREAT IMPORTANCE or GREAT TRUTH to their words!!
This in my own experience is a huge mistake because I’ve seen channeled information FAIL TO BE ACCURATE – OVER AND OVER AND OVER!
Im not saying here that a “few” or a “handful” of those doing this are not bringing in useful information – but MOST OF THEM ARE NOT! People need to wake up to this!
I will not use names or websites – as it is not my goal to impune others – but instead to wake people up and call their attention to a VERY SERIOUS PROBLEM.
I want to draw your attention to a few examples (in the coming days) which I will post without using names or sites! (Because I do not wish to be mean and call names – I just want people to wake up).
Here is just one example (a snippet) of a channeled message floating around on the internet right now which literally has NO BUSINESS BEING THERE!
This only just one example of about a hundred channeled messages that came out this week that are totally misleading!
—–Judgment is an aspect of the illusion to which many are enthusiastically attached. Because of the underlying sense of unworthiness that so many feel and deny, it can be very satisfying to see another’s behavior as wrong, sinful, criminal, deceitful, untrustworthy – in fact being in any way different in their behavior from your personally perceived and accepted sense of what is “normal” – judging them according to some arbitrary rules of your own making, and then righteously condemning them and enthusiastically sentencing them to what you have convinced yourselves is their well deserved punishment.
It is all too easy to find a target on to whom you can project this unbearable self-hatred – and it surely is self-hatred – because so many of you feel this way about yourselves and are constantly looking for some unworthy one doing wrong on whom you can impose a self-righteous and, of course, utterly justifiable negative judgment.
Doing this helps you to feel better about yourselves because as you compare yourselves to these unacceptable others you can tell yourselves: “I am not nearly as bad as that,” or even “I am really very good.”
And in your collective fear there are very few among you who have not committed some actions that are generally perceived as crimes instead of being recognized as the desperate calls for love that they really are. The way out of this bind or seemingly infinite playback loop is to acknowledge, look at, and release all self-judgment of yourselves as unworthy. In God’s sight no one is ever unworthy!—–
CAN YOU SEE THE DANGER IN THIS? If not let me explain!
After reading this – let me tell you about a real interview that I read as concerns “an agent” who stumbled upon just one of those “under ground” grotto’s where RITUAL CHILD SACRIFICE is being done as we speak – by those who are involed in the “covert” take over of our planet. Satan Worshippers aka Khazarian Mafia –
He sadly revealed that they found a small boy in an underground grotto – probably only 8 years old – who had been placed upon a cross naked, and CRUCIFIED ALIVE! The skin on his young body was carefully cut and then peeled off of his small body very slowly – so as to cause MAXIMUM TRAUMA – and MAXIMUM pain! The small boy was probably screaming for hours. They do this because the “pain” that they inflict upon the child causes certain chemicals to form with in the blood stream that are very potent! The chemicals have a “drug like quality”.
It is only when those men and women who are performing the ritual sacrifice are certain that the child’s blood is fully charged with terror and trauma in the form of this potent chemical – do they finally kill him!
Then, they drain all of the blood, and DRINK IT! This blood drinking is not without purpose becasue many of these human beings are in fact possessed by other DIMENSIONAL ENTITIES or Demons – who need this blood as food.
Also, there are discarnate forms of REPTILLIAN beings who can actually “form” human bodies and appear in physical form if fed enough TERROR!
There are as well, reptillian hybrid beings who (just like vampires) need to drink human blood in order to keep their human form.
My loving readers – I AM SORRY – to write things like this – or to tell you things like this! But if I do not – then who will?
Now for the sickest part – the deception!
The channeled message above TELLS US THAT WE MUST BLAME OURSELVES!
That judging as “bad” those people who are doing this – we ourselves are both wrong and unspiritual!
Do you see how insanely dangerous this is? We must blame our own short comings for even believing that a human being who would sacrifice a small child should be judged!
THERE ARE IN FACT VERY- VERY BAD PEOPLE out there who are doing very horrible things to children!
Not only that – IF you really start digging around this subject – you will find that this practice is RAMPANT UPON THE EARTH! Please don’t make me start listing hundreds of articles to prove it.
These people need to be stopped! The channeled message above would lead us to think that there is NO EVIL ON EARTH. Or, that those who do child sacrifice are somehow not dangerous – they are simply mis-understood and will stop if we love them enough!
It is totally obvious to me that this man who channeled this material lives a very sheltered life – HE HAS NEVER TAKEN THE TIME TO EITHER READ UP ON OR STUDY WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING IN THE WORLD – and only trusts what he is told – by some other entity WHO IS NOT FROM HERE!
I’ve been there and done that and can tell you first hand that THEY DON’T KNOW THE FIRST THING ABOUT EARTH OR LIVING HERE! MY ADVICE IS TO TRUST YOURSELF! PLEASE!
Stop reading this crap and start thinking for yourself!
All my love!
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