OK – I saw this today, posted in the trenches. The attached image is screen capture from this video below –
I dont know if I told you that I had an encounter with a grey in the 1980s.. This was the ONLY time I had any encounter that I could say was real and physical.. My experience was very unsettling and had an effect on the rest of my life. The grey came to me at night .. paralyzed me, and delivered an order for me to stop delving into an idea I was working on manifesting for weeks which was a wearable device to modulate brain waves for spiritual purposes.. You could call it an ESP enhancement device.
The grey did not want me to go near that.. My experience really freaked me out! Please keep in mind this was the 1980s .. My dad was MIT engineer, and I would have had a good chance of actually being able to pull it off. In my mind this was “intervention in the timeline” – based on what I know now..
I dont know if you have heard of HEART MATH. This is something wonderful, BUT it seems to me to have been hijacked.. They are using feedback from advanced technology to train people to have control over the electrical field of the heart. This is a PHONE APP available now as we speak. It reports back to a central data base what the “field” of an individual is doing and gives real time feedback.. they seek what they call COHERENCE..
One of the main financial supporters of this takeover of heart math is AOL and Huffington. I posted something last year about this – as I saw it as a way to hijack peoples heart consciousness, and well you know they want us to feel good – even if we are slaves right? To me is the ultimate mind fuck. The heart is the arbiter of reality and KNOWS rather than thinks. the heart is many times stronger than the head is in field strength. It appears to me something wonderful has been weaponized.. AGAIN!!!! Considering the Iwatch coming out at exactly the most violent “astro” possible has much to do with Uranus – Pluto technological energy, and with MARS also being involved – right now it makes my skin crawl.
R Hitt
You are one of the first people that I’ve ever met whose “thinking” is so closely alligned with my own! You really seem to “GET IT” especially where the “bastardization” of advanced technology is concerned. I’ve written about this in some of my pervious articles, where the real agenda is to “robotize” human beings through the use of “implanted technology” so as to keep their minds and consciousness prisoners so that their bodies will stay imprisoned in the THIRD DIMENSION!
I just watched a video between a stellar interviewer: Kerry Cassidy – and a man called Simon Parkes who claims to be an alien “experiencer.” He talks specifically about the “mantids”, “the greys”, and the “draco’s”. He said very clearly at the end of that video that the Earth has been considered to be – for many thousands of years – a PRISON PLANET that is being controlled by a consortium of very dark agenda alien races – which would include the: Mantids, The Grey’s, The Anunnaki, The Draco’s, and the Raptors…, just to name a few of the participants within this large group, or consortium
They as a “group” claim to own the planet and all the humans living on the surface!
(They don’t of course – and the whole idea is simply a fantastic fabrication and “deception” that has been told to those humans who they both wanted and needed help from on the Earth)
They use mind control, etc. to keep us all in line – and sadly consider the humans living on the surface as nothing more than cattle! They consider Earth humans as a herd!
Sadly – this very thought – this very idea, or notion is what they TAUGHT to their own human administrators who are operating on the planet! They have very carefully “instructed” those men and women, who they chose to be their “on world” administrators, that regular human beings were stupid animals – and did not deserve the time of day that it took to even consider them worthwhile!
They were told (naturally) that “they” as the administrators were much smarter human animals – were “hybrids” – pure blood lines – or descendants of the “gods” – and were thus worthy to be in the rulership positions above the rest!
This is where we have been for a long, long time! And it simply is the “status quo” that Simon described in the video! The PROBLEM that this quite vile consortium is facing now (according to Simon) is that our DNA is starting to repair itself.
Their whole “ability” to rule over the Earth and the human population was based upon our DAMAGED DNA – and our inability to connect with our own “GOD SOURCE” as all normal universal human beings can do with fully functional DNA.
If humanity's DNA can be repaired – we will no longer be able to be “kept” down and mind controlled like they are doing to us now. So here is the PROBLEM – in the ALIENS own words – as put so very eloquently by Simon Parkes in this video!
The question they are asking themselves is this: Can “we” expect the human beings to willingly stay our slaves – once they KNOW that this is what they are? What will they do to us when they find out? How can we keep them inside of our prison and keep them providing us with their labor – mineral resources – food (as in human meat) – and also soul energy (as in energetic food for higher dimensional discarnate) –
This is exactly what Parkes decribed as the problem — and EXACTLY what my INTUITION TOLD ME OVER A YEAR AGO! This presents a great and grand problem for them to solve.
It is a “clear and present danger” to their comfy arrangement with “who knows” how many dark races in their consortium – to use and to keep an entire race of beings as total slaves!
It is also a very “bad” thing as far as the “HUMAN ADMINISTRATORS” of the Earth are concerned – because it will mean the end of their lavish rule here, and they could also find that the formerly imprisoned humans will take REVENGE on them for helping to keep them enslaved – once able to realize who they really are!
Thus, they’ve tried countless ways – but have found NO WAY AS OF YET to stop our awakening and the REPAIRING of our DNA which is a COSMIC EVENT and has to do with where we are traveling in space as a Solar System.
This is the reason for their very hateful – and restrictive measures against us at this time – it is because “they” feel they MUST KEEP THE PRISON AT ALL COSTS!
The final thing that Simon said was that if it was found that they could not keep the Prison in tact with the humans that they’ve been keeping here against their will – that rather than just let it go –
they would rather just blow up and destroy the whole thing!
So this is what we are up against!
Here’s the video:
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