Welcomed ReliefBy Digger Barhttps://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/10/welcomed-relief.htmlI awoke this morning feeling it.
What is this?, I asked.
I stayed still and allowed the feeling to surface.
Was this a collective energy?
Something has shifted. I feel calm and relieved.
Was this my own work finally integrating?
What has happened?, I asked again
There has been a major shift kinda like when a bone is out of joint and then it pops and settles back into the socket.
Instant relief.
A feeling that things are as they should be.
The relief from pain makes me realize how much pain I actually had been holding.
I looked at my phone for the time.
Another clue there has been a shift.
I slept until 5 am. After a whole month of waking between 2:30 am and 4:00 am and not being able to go back to sleep, this was a significant change.
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