Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Changes occurring in the Solar System Higher Self Channeled by Mike Quinsey

Changes occurring in the Solar System
Higher Self
Channeled by Mike Quinsey

As might be expected the changes occurring in the Solar System have come to the attention of NASA scientists who are at a loss to explain the reason for them, referring to them as a “weird happening”. The impact you have had is confined to each cycle so that all can commence again as new. Even you have recognised evidence of a previous cycle, although it is hard to come by after all of this time with the many earth changes that have taken place.

Things appear very confused at present as you cannot see a pattern to events that indicates what the outcome may be, except it is apparent that much of the old is disappearing never to return. It is always comforting to hold onto that which is familiar, but necessary changes are planned in advance to show you the road to follow. You cannot cling onto the old any longer as much has to make way for the changes that will propel you into the New Age.
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